
The orange evening sun was sinking past the horizon. Syryn was almost done trimming an ornamental bush that had grown taller than its neighbours. From his spot, the alchemist could see Riha seated by the window of his room. The selkie had his nose buried in a book. One of these days, Syryn would drag Riha out by the hair so the man could get some outdoors.

The teenager then spotted Artemus' familiar hound coach pull up at the front of their gate. The anti mage soon stepped out and began a brisk walk towards Syryn. 

"Have you seen my brother?" Artemus asked him. 

Syryn hadn't seen Alka in forever. Why was Artemus asking him? The plant mage was never around the manor. 

"No. Isn't he staying with you? I haven't seen him in nearly a week." Syryn figured it was the wrong answer. Artemus frowned before turning to focus on a spot in their garden.

"Did he make any mention of travelling?"