Fog lights

Syryn was attracted to the sword at Riaku's waist. Its energy was thick with malevolence and the alchemist wanted to see it in action.

The prince who was unaware of Syryn's fixation with his sword turned to speak to him. "Healer, do not tarry when the opportunity presents itself. Take your brother and follow Gosan out of this place."

"What about you?" Syryn asked Riaku.

"We will join you as soon as we can."

He was royal patronage, a son of Nua's ruler. Riaku could have run away with Syryn while leaving his guards behind to deal with the statue. His decision to stay behind earned him a measure of goodwill from the alchemist. Not only that, Syryn found his respect for the man going up a notch.

"Lucien, go with the navigator," Syryn instructed the redhead. He had made his mind up to stay.