
"He what?" Syryn asked Rei.

"The innkeeper said he has an outhouse built for storage purposes but it isn't being used right now. Big enough to fit in four beds plus more. Told me we could move in immediately."

"Why would he do that?"

"I dunno. Maybe because he found out about how you took liberties in the kitchen?"

"But Riaku paid him for a month's stay."

"And that's why he can't kick us out. He's just sending us somewhere we can't cause him any more problems. It also helps that he makes money out of renting out the rooms we vacate. I hear that it's merchant season this week."

"I'm not leaving," Syryn spitefully replied. "I feel taken advantage of."

"Then how are we to get a bigger room? He says he has none left."

And that was that. Syryn gave in and started making preparations to move.

A little while later, the alchemist went off to meet the innkeeper.