
"What did you find out?" Syryn asked the priestess who was strolling over to their cabin home just as the sun began its noon arc.

"Nothing that ties them together. The hunter and the florist have nothing in common. They're barely acquaintances."

"No special event like an animal bite or eating the same fruit that shouldn't be eaten?"

Dinah shook her head with disappointment.

"Let's go to the forest," Syryn suggested. "I want to see for myself what is so special about that place."


Syryn and Dinah set a quick pace towards the forest line where the incidents had taken place. The smell of sickeningly sweet blossoms had the alchemist wrinkling his nose again. The sooner that Lucien got better, the faster he was leaving the village.

"Here, this is where his body was found," Dinah told Syryn. She had led him to a part of the forest that wasnt too far off from where the treeline broke into human settlement.