
An examination of the body did not yield any notable results. It was time to cut him open.

Syryn reached out for a scalpel then lifted the man's head. He made an incision at the back of the skull from one ear to the other ear. The scalp was separated from the skull by peeling it forward. Now was the part he liked.

Rei handed him a saw that Syryn used to tap on the white skull. "Better avoid the bone dust today." It was an excuse. The alchemist just preferred using a hammer and chisel.

"Won't that cause the skull to look ugly?" The healer squeamishly asked when Syryn picked up the chisel.

"No, and no one cares," Syryn told the healer. "Is the decedent's family vain about the man's skull?"

That quieted the healer.

"Don't breathe in the bone dust or you might catch something if he really did die from the complications of a communicable disease." At this point, Syryn was just messing with the healer though there was minor truth to the statement.