
The startled avians screamed as icy spheres came raining down upon their heads. It had happened so suddenly and without any warning. None of the avians were prepared for it.

The fragile hollowed balls of ice did not generate the impact necessary to hurt the avians. But it was enough to disrupt their good moods and annoy them.

Altaire was fortunately spared from the icy barrage. While noise and chaos reigned around him, he watched the architect of the chaos revel in what he had created. Syryn's lips were curved with smug satisfaction, and he had a glint in his half-mast eyes.

"Well, this is terrible," Syryn said out loudly while faking concern. "I know what's happening. You're all going to blame me now, aren't you? The avians of Nua have resorted to playing tricks that will have me arrested. So, Which scheming bird is trying to implicate me today?"