
The teen ran up the stairs while tossing aside any unlucky avians that got in his way.

"Move, you idiots!" He shoved aside a few of the bird men that were crowded around the unconscious old man.

Utsui was knelt by Elder Toka's side. The young medical genius was a picture of cool focus as he measured his grandfather's pulse. He glanced up at Syryn and made eye contact for a few seconds while his fingers remained pressed to the old man's wrist.

"What is it telling you, Utsui?"

"Fast and thready pulse," Utsui replied. "Grandfather's skin feels cold and clammy."

Syryn crouched down and observed the paleness of Elder Toka's face. "Seems to me like he's suffered from a vasovagal syncope." And it was Syryn's fault too. All that stress had led to a sudden drop in the old man's heart rate and blood pressure. The teen was very sure that it wasn't a heart attack.