
"Mermen?" Idriz and Syryn exchanged another glance. The villains had turned up earlier than he had predicted.

From the water on the other side of the ship came a sharp command that compelled the sailors with its almost hypnotic voice.

"Bring out your captain."

One by one, the crewmen turned around in a daze and stared at Idriz. Realising what was happening to them, they blinked heavily and turned back to the group of mermen in the water. As subtle as it had been, the sailors were disgruntled at being mind controlled. But they were also fearful because knowing that they were under the effects of a compulsion could not spare them from its effects.

"Idriz, you should maybe get inside your cabin," Syryn whispered to the man. The mage had a feeling that this was somehow his fault, and that he had inadvertently tangled the Fool's Noose in his problems.