
Syryn's accommodations were simpler than he'd expected, not that he was complaining. At the centre of the room, he saw the bottom half of a giant clamshell. Soft seagrass grew over the shallow depression within it. It was a sleeping spot for him, he surmised. The ceiling above him was decorated with a mosaic of gold and pink marble. One corner of the room was adorned with the white marble statue of a mermaid spearing what looked like an avian.

"Do you have any queries?" The guard asked from behind him.

Syryn shook his head. But then he remembered what he was relieved of at the fort.

"Can I have my bag back?" He asked despite not having much hope for it being returned.

"It will be delivered to you soon," the guard replied.

Syryn dipped his head and bashfully asked the guard, "by the way... Is there any food? I'm hungry."