Safe Word

Lucien hadn't really left the forest as he was asked to. The redhead was meditating under a tree and spying on the other two through his network of undead critters spread all across the forest.


"Don't come one step closer or I'll shoot you," the hunter threatened Magnus with his magic crossbow. "Don't think I won't."

The fire mage stood his ground and silently watched the hunter back away one step at a time.

"You're all crazy," the hunter spat on the ground and growled at him. "You'll get what's coming for you."

Magnus placed one foot forward and a flame of fire licked the grass where his shoe touched it. In a matter of seconds, the flame began to chase the hunter who couldn't run fast enough to escape it.

The fire mage then followed the trail of flames that led him through the woods which remained untouched by fire. When he got to the escaping hunter, he found the terrified man surrounded by black flames.