A revelation

"Rowan, what are you saying?"

There was no more doubt in the redhead of Rowan's affiliation. He had truly gone to the dark side. His horror was written on his face and this reaction was a reality that Rowan knew he had to start getting used to. 

"You won't understand till you remember, Lucien. When you do, come find me."

The conversation was over. Rowan still had no idea what was Lucien's role in this game of celestial chess.

"Remember what?" 

"The memories of a time long gone. Take this and reach out to me when you remember."

Lucien wordlessly took a small square of enchanted paper that the blond held out to him. Rowan had gone crazy, right? He was insinuating that Lucien had a past life or that he'd forgotten parts of his past as a child. Knowing that Red shared a name with him, Lucien was uncomfortable about the implications that faced him. 

"Write on it and I will know to come and take you away from here."