
The Girl In Pigtails

[ 15 years ago ]

Little Aila stood in front of a classroom of other children; she fidgeted under the limelight. Her hands clutched at the sides of her pink tartan dress, and if she wasn't wearing a black daisy headband to keep her hair back, she would hide her face more behind her long white locks. But, instead, she kept her chin up, looking at the back of the classroom where paintings hung up, drying clipped to a string near the windows. 

"This is Aila, she is new to the school. Please give her a warm welcome," The teacher smiled. 

"Hiiiii, Ayyyyylaaaaaa," The classroom of children all said on cue.

"Aila, there is a seat at the back," The teacher, Mrs Karp, said gently. Little Aila looked up at her; she was a kind looking old lady with greying hair that was pulled back in a low bun. She beamed down at her, but Aila looked down at her black buckled shoes and white laced socks before feeling a light nudge in between her shoulders.