
The Gang

Aila looked at the golden-haired man. A man who changed his perception of the creatures and pushed past the years of hate drilled into his mind and helped Aila escape a life of misery. She knew it was no easy feat, but to see him now standing alone without his dad whispering evil words in his ears made her feel emotional. Like the others in the luxurious suite, Chase had been there from the start of her agonising journey to becoming a werewolf.

"Chase." Her brows rose in surprise before her eyes assessed his features and body. He seems to be glowing, freshly showered, with no cuts or bruising on his handsome face.. He didn't seem harmed at all.. But she remembered from the video call..

"Aila." His deep voice broke her from her reverie. She walked around the couch and threw her arms around him; his stiff body relaxed, and he pulled her closer to him.