

Damon and Aila finally arrived in the dining room, where half the food had already been eaten. The room was loud and rowdy as per usual with the group, except for Gabriel and Kane, who looked like the more 'mature' adults out of them. Granted, Gabriel was like a trillion years old.

"Was history not your forte by any chance?" Gabriel's voice floated in her mind. Aila refrained from giggling by his 'death glare' and ignored him as soon as she saw her food and sat down next to Finn.

After eating their breakfast and spending their last morning together, it was finally time for the group to depart and two of the members going their separate ways. Aila felt herself becoming more and more nervous as she watched Chase and Sariah throwing their bags into an SUV provided, of course, by Gabriel. Aila waited patiently as Chase, Finn, and Ajax said their farewells with their 'manly' handshakes and pats on the back before caving in and just group hugging instead.