
Aila's Shadow

Aila stared at her reflection in the mirror of the grimy public toilets. Unlike some of the other hunters' compounds which seemed almost state of the art with the best technologies and wealth thrown into it, this compound was relatively cheap. That was reflected in the toilets that didn't seem to have been cleaned in a few weeks, with stains covering the walls and the smell of urine floating in the air. 

Aila wrinkled her nose but didn't continue observing the toilets that she would never enter again. Cassius had returned to the compound after whatever the hell he did, and so she needed to see what mess Damon had left her in. Usually, she didn't mind; her mate always left her in some form of a mess with dishevelled hair left in knots that anyone could tell was from a crazy sex session. 

"Since when was it never crazy?" Malia all but purred in gratification.