Chapter four :)

"But you can't just lock yourself in your room and ignore dad forever," Niall said opening his locker taking the books for the next lesson out.

"No, I have a better idea" Louis pulled out a letter from his binder and showed it to Niall "Here look," Louis said proudly.

"No way" Niall squeaked excitedly "You have your own apartment!" He yelled jumping around. "Yes I do, do you want the whole school to know?" Louis laughed. Well, to be exact he still had to wait a few days until the previous owner moved out completely, but then it was his.

"When are you going to move?" Niall asked stopping his excitement and looking at Louis "You can't wait for me to leave huh" Louis said with a sassy smile on his face.

"As fast as possible, maybe in three or four days." Louis said."I really have to get out of Dad's house."

Louis was wondering why Harry wasn't at school by now, usually, he was in time. The bell had rung twenty minutes ago. Maybe anything had happened? Louis pushed the thought out of his head. He was probably just late.


Harry was late anyway so he decided to skip the first lesson to get some breakfast at the Bakery before he drove to school.

He was standing in front of the sink in the boys' restroom looking at himself in the mirror, his eyes were still red and a little puffy from crying all night.

He tried to fix his hair a little before going to class. It was really messy because he had slept in the car that night. He didn't want to go home last night and had nowhere else to go so, the car was the only place he had left.

After he fixed his hair he left the bathroom and walked over to his locker. He took out some books for the next period when he heard a familiar voice.

"Harry here have you been? We were looking for you." He flinched when someone grabbed his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you." The voice said laughing. As Harry turned around he saw Louis looking at him his smile disappeared. "Harry, are you okay? No offence but you look horrible."

"I'm fine, just tired," Harry said looking down at his books so that Louis wouldn't see the tears that were building up in his eyes. "I just overslept." He added quickly.

Niall headed his way towards Louis and Harry. "Hey," he said smiling."Lou, we have math together, now." He grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hallway.

"See you at lunch." Louis gave Harry a smile "Sure." Harry said back and watched the two boys disappear in the crowd.


"Don't you think he looked sad?" Louis asked concerned spinning his pen around his fingers nervously. "Yes I do, but he said he is just tired so maybe he doesn't wanna talk about it or he was really just tired. Stop worrying about it."

Louis had a bad feeling about the way Harry appeared, but he accepted that he wouldn't tell him if something is wrong since they have only known each other for a short time. "You should ask him to hang out with you, he seems nice," Niall said looking up from his paper.

"You think? He doesn't seem like he would want to hang out with me."

Louis said wondering. Harry was nice, yes but somehow he seemed to reject.

"Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Horan, would you like to share your conversation with the class?" The teacher asked mad. Niall and Louis looked at each other surprised have they spoken so loud? Did anyone hear? "No. I don't think so," Niall said biting on his pencil.

"I'm going to hang out with Liam and Zayn today so you don't have to wait for me," Niall said closing his locker.

Niall hung out with Liam and Zayn really often since senior year, Louis thought and just nodded "Are you coming to lunch or are you going to leave with Liam and Zayn too?" Louis asked. "I think I will check out the new restaurant with them, but you can join us if you want." Niall offered.

"No it's all right I told Harry to meet him at lunch, so, go and have fun," Louis said looking back at Niall who was smiling like an idiot again. "Stop that Nialler!" Louis laughed.

"I'm not doing anything," Niall said laughing as well. "Sure, whatever" Louis turned around walking towards the cafeteria.

"Have fun!" Niall sang after him. "See you, Niall," Louis yelled back smiling and rolling his eyes at the blonde boy as he stepped into the cafeteria which was filled up with people like always. Harry was already sitting at his usual lunch table. Louis walked over to the lunch lady to get some of the chicken and.. mashed potatoes? he wondered.

As he headed his way to Harry who was looking over to him he noticed a boy at a table left from him. It was Stan aka captain of the footie team. "That Harry kid is so weird, I heard he has a boyfriend double his own age." He said to his teammates which started laughing.

Fury filled Louis' chest and it hurt. He walked over to the table "I don't think that it is any of your business, so do me a favour and just shut up and leave Harry alone." His voice sharp. Stan turned around and looked at him amused "Or what?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Or I will make you," Louis hissed, looking him dead in the eyes just before he turned around and walked over to Harry leaving the team behind him. Idiots.

"What was going on over there?" Harry asked curiously. "Oh, nothing he just asked me if I have seen one of his mates." Louis lied.

Slight happiness bloomed in his chest as he saw that Harry's eyes weren't that red anymore and he didn't seem sad as Louis feared. "Oh okay," Harry said as Louis sat down across from him.

"How was class?" Louis asked smiling at Harry. He looked him in the eyes, Louis loved those green eyes so much and his dimples when he smiled, they were so incredibly cute.

"Oh it was boring," Harry said rolling his eyes. "Where did you got the chocolate from?" He wondered. "I bought it before school, do you want some?" Louis asked breaking it in half.

"Uhm.." Harry started as Louis already handed him half of the chocolate. "Thank you," he said smiling.

"Soo, I was wondering if you want to hang out with me after school." Louis finally said, smiling wide.


I'm listening to 'Home' On repeat right now.