Chapter eleven :)

"I feel like we should eat something," Louis said as both of them managed to breathe evenly again. "What about Chinese?"

"I love Chinese."  And I love you Louis thought. 

What??  No, they were just friends and Louis was happy about that, he just pushed the thought away. "You good?" Harry asked eyeing the younger boy. "Yes, I'm good." He just starred into the air, lost in his thoughts. "Let's go, the restaurant is on the third floor."

"What can I do for you guys?" An old lady behind the counter asked.

"Uhm I will take the number 23 with chicken. What about you?" He turned his head over to Harry "I will take the same."

"So twice the number 23. What do you guys want to drink?"

"just water" Louis answered paying her.

After about five minutes of waiting the woman handed them their food. Harry took it as he felt someone grabbing his hand and pulling him "What are you doing Lou?!"

"Just keep up" He ran upstairs dragging Harry with him. They stumbled along the stairs, holding each other's hands tight. Harry almost tripped.

As they reached the end of the stairway and stopped in front of a door with a sign on it, which said, "Privat, do not enter!" 

"Hold them" Harry took the shopping bags out of Louis' hands "What are you doing" Harry didn't know why he was whispering. "Give me one of your hairpins"

"I-I don't-" Harry got cut off by Louis.

"I know you have some." Louis held his hand over to Harry.

Harry pulled a hairpin out of his hair "Here you go, I usually don't use hairpins it was just today." It didn't sound as convincing as Harry hoped. "Yeah, sure," said Louis with his sarcastic undertone and turned the pin in the lock until it made a klick sound.

"Did you just-" Did he just broke into the room. "You know that's illegal right?"

"So? It would be boring if it wasn't" Louis said smiling as he put the pin back in Harry's open hand, and stepped in.

"What if we get caught?"

"You don't have to whisper Haz, no one can hear us," Louis whispered to make fun out of it. "It's not the first time I'm here" Louis placed his hands next to his lips and yelled "HELLOOOO SOMEONE THERE? See?" Louis laughed. "Shhhh!! god you're such a dork". Harry hissed laughing.

The room was surrounded by huge windows, with an amazing impression over Doncaster. The Christmas decoration and traffic lights were glowing in the dark. "Wow" Harry was amazed by what view. "Beautiful right?"

"Breathtaking," Harry whispered.

"Let's eat" Louis snatched the bag out of Harry's hand, letting himself down at the ground leaning against the window. Harry sat down across from him.

"Where is the fork?" Harry wondered as Louis gave him his box. "Here," Louis gave him a pair of chopsticks opening his box. Harry tried to hold the sticks the way Gemma had shown him once but it didn't really work they always crossed as he tried to grab the noodles. Louis looked up to him "You have to hold them like this, your index finger and thumb should hold the upper stick."

Harry tried to follow Louis' instructions but the sticks kept crossing each other or even falling out of his hands. Ugh. Harry's belly started growling, he was hungry he hadn't eaten since morning. Why couldn't they just give him a fork??

Louis crawled over to him took his hand and showed him how to hold the sticks right. "Here put this finger here, the stick above and now your index around the stick like this," Louis whispered causing a tingle in Harry's fingertips and his heart skipped a beat.

Their eyes locked for a while Louis was real close to him, he cleared his throat "Try it on your own." It actually worked, well not perfectly but enough for Harry to eat. "Yess," Harry said excitedly and Louis smiled at him as he crawled back to the window. "I can pick up my car tomorrow." Harry said after a while, "I will get it right after school then I can help bring your stuff over."

"Sounds good" Louis mumbled through his full mouth. "I've heard you turn twenty this month?"

"Oh don't remind me."

"Why? Don't you like birthdays?" Harry looked up. "No, I do. It's just...twenty, I can't believe it."

Louis kind of lie, of course, it was unbelievable that he will turn twenty but the main reason why he didn't want to be reminded of his birthday was that it would be his first birthday without his mom.

"Niall told me you used to think that the Christmas lights were for your birthday." Harry laughed noticing Louis sudden expression change. "Oh I was like 4." both of them laughed "Poor little Lou," Harry said in a childish voice and smiled so wide it made Louis smile too.

"Oh shut up Hazza," he said sarcastically. The rest of the day they just sat there ate and listened to music until it was a few minutes before the mall closed, so they could leave before.

The whole ride home Harry tried to figure out why he felt like this around Louis, why his skin tingled when Louis touched him, why he felt safe around him more than anywhere else, why his hugs felt different, why he stuttered sometimes when Louis looked at him and why his heart always jumped when the boy smiled. Then it suddenly hit him.

No, no he couldn't have feelings for Louis Tomlinson that wasn't right he would ruin their whole friendship.  Louis was straight. Harry reminded himself, closed his eyes and listened to the radio so he would maybe think about something else. Harry didn't notice that he was totally exhausted until it all came down on him.


"Harry? Wake up, we are back at Liam's house." Harry slowly opened his eyes and looked into those ocean blue ones "Get out of the car." He said in a calm voice Harry was too tired to answer he just did what Louis told him until they arrived in Harry's room.

"I will get the shopping bags so you can put on a new Pyjama." He said leaving the room. Harry didn't care about a new Pyjama, at the moment he just wanted to go to sleep, so he pulled off all of his clothes unless his boxers. Let himself fall into his bed, and continued sleeping.

Louis walked in with a huge bag in his right hand. "So I guess everything in this bag is yours and-  you're already asleep again." He stopped and looked at the sleeping boy his heart melt as he saw Harry cuddling his pink pillow, he held it like it was everything to him.

How could someone be so cute, he looked like a little princess. Louis placed the bag on a chair and slowly left the room with a smile on his face and, god, those stupid butterflies.


Harry woke up twenty-three minutes before his alarm. He stretched his arms above his head before he got up, yawning. For some reason, it felt like today would be a great day.

He tried on every single piece of clothing he and Louis had picked for him yesterday. He ended up wearing a pair of ripped black skinnies together with the multiple pattern button-up, but he let the upper three buttons open as he had seen in one of those fashion magazines.

After brushing his teeth he walked downstairs to make some breakfast for the boys. He made some scrambled eggs with bacon and placed them on the table as Zayn came in.

"That smells delicious." Harry smiled at him sitting down and started eating. "Your outfit looks so good Harry."

"Right? I told him It would suit him perfectly." Louis smiled entering the room. "Oh, it does."

"Where are Niall and Liam?" Louis sat down next to Harry. "They already left to get the Transporter from Liam's dad." Louis smelled like a mixture of his coconut shampoo and himself. "I love scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast."

Louis turned over  to face Harry "What's your timetable today Haz-Harry." Louis corrected himself clearing his throat. He gave Harry an apologizing look "Uhm I have Maths, English, and Biology but I will pick up my car after school."

Why was Harry feeling upset that Louis called him Harry instead of Hazza? He liked that someone gave him a nickname especially when it was Louis, they were friends, really good friends actually. Harry thought looking away from Louis' eyes over to Zayn who just smirked knowing at them.

"Let's go to the car." Louis as soon as he finished and saw Zayn's face.

Harry was already at the door when he heard Zayn and Louis from out the kitchen. "Did you just call him Hazza?!" Zayn sounded surprised. "Shhh, would you please shut up and keep it to yourself? Please." Harry knew it wasn't right to listen to what they were saying so he reluctantly walked outside towards the car.

Harry waited at the backdoor for Louis to open the car as he gave him a hand signal to sit at the passenger seat. Usually, Zayn sits in the front seat but he walked over to the backdoor "You can sit front." Harry wasn't sure why he should take the passenger seat instead of Zayn but it must have a reason so he took it.

"Hey, uhm open the glove compartment and give me the first CD from the stack," Louis ordered putting on his seat belt. The first CD case he saw, was green with a black X on it. "This one?" Harry asked showing it. "Oh no Lou, please," Zayn sighed annoyed from the back, rolling his eyes. "Oh yes, Zayn," Louis said snatching the case out of Harry's hand and putting the Disk in the recorder.

"Do you guys want some coffee from Starbucks before we go?" Harry nodded "Sure but we have to take some for Liam and Niall too, Liam texted me they would be there punctually for the first lesson." Louis started the car and turned the volume up "Let's go lads." He smirked, which made Harry smile.


"We have to hurry tho, I heard about a massive blizzard coming around 9 pm," Liam said taking another sip of his coffee. "Let's do it as Zayn suggested earlier then, I stay at our house and pack the boxes with Zayn. Liam picks them up brings them over to the apartment so you can start unpacking your stuff and Harry can join after he got his car." Niall explained gesturing with his hands. Not confusing at all but okay.

They were sitting on the stairs leading to the third floor, it was lunch break and the halls were empty.  Harry, Niall, and Zayn sat leaning against the right side of the railing and Liam and Louis on the left side. "Sounds logical to me." Louis couldn't believe he was going to move into his own apartment. It didn't seem real.

"And when Zayn Liam and I come over to help you two unpack the Boxes, we can bring some food," Niall said and the others laughed "What? I think it's a good plan"

"Sure you do, If food is involved everything sounds like a good plan to you," Liam said amused.

"Okay if we're done here I will go to class now I only have two minutes left." Harry got up and waved at the boys making his way through the hall over to his classroom.

Harry suddenly stopped as he saw a boy with blond hair which reached down to his shoulders, Harry could just see his side profile but he looked so familiar.

His hair, the sharp jawline and- No. No that couldn't be him, he was hundreds of miles away, there was no way he was here. Harry looked down at his shaking hand and clenched it shaking the thoughts out of his face his head. There was no way. He wasn't here, no.

"Are you okay? You look like you have seen a ghost" Niall who stood next to him asked. "No, I just thought I have seen someone." Harry stared straight ahead where the long-haired boy had been a few seconds ago. "Go to class you will be late." Niall bumped Harry's shoulder and left. "Yes I- I think you're right," Harry whispered to himself still starring through the Hallway.