Chapter thirty- five :)

"So you have never been to the beach before? Like, never?" Niall asked letting the sand slip through his fingers. "No, never." He leaned his head back, his hands buried in the warm sand, legs crossed. The sun was shining bright above the two boys and a cold breeze blew the locks out of Harry's face. It made him shiver a bit.

He really enjoyed sitting there with Niall just talking. Niall had become one of his best friends, well he was more like a brother. "Is this one new?" The ring Louis had given him at his birthday was shining through the sand. Harry looked at it "Yes" He said through a smile, "Louis gave it to me."

Niall's eyes widened and his brows raised, "Is that a-" he started but Harry cut him off quickly  "Oh no, no it's, it's not." he chuckled, he was way too young for an engagement but the thought of it wasn't bad, to be honest. Louis in a suit and him walking down the aisle. Okay enough, he was way too young.

"You two are too cute." Harry threw a hand full of sand at him. Niall laughed. Oh god, how Harry loved those actual HA HA HAs they always made him laugh too. "But seriously," Niall started looking at Harry through his sunglasses. He didn't even need those it was February, he was such a dork "I haven't seen him that happy Jay died." He said in an honest tone.

"He still misses her a lot, doesn't he?" Niall looked sad down, "Yes he does, we all do. But he had the strongest bond with her, as the oldest. He had helped her with the whole chores and stuff when Mark was at work. He loved doing that even tho he would never admit it." Niall chuckled sadly.

"And when everything went downhill he didn't let her out of his sight. He stayed with her every night at the hospital, and sometimes he didn't sleep multiple days." Harry turned his head quickly to face Niall. He just nodded and carried on "that's why he acted the way he did when you stopped sleeping. He didn't want you to get through the same as he did."

Harry knew that Louis mom died but he never knew how much he had suffered and what he must have gone through before. Only the thought of seeing his own mom in a hospital close to dying made him shiver. And it reminded him even more how much he loved her. "What have I changed?" As if he would be so special to change something in Louis life when they barely knew each other at that point.

"I mean he didn't know me, and I didn't know him." Niall burst into laughter. Did he say something funny? Why was he laughing now? Harry looked at him asking which made him laugh even more. "What's so funny? Why are you laughing?" Naill was throwing his head back and laughed until he was rolling in the sand pressing his hands against his belly.

"You really didn't notice, didn't ya?" Niall said in astonishment as he managed to catch his breath. He sat up again, his hair was messy and full of sand. He put the glasses off wiping a tear of joy away. He stared intently into Harry's eyes. "No Niall I have no idea what you are talking about." The wind got stronger, Harry pulled down his sleeves.

"He had a crush on you. Since I don't know ... forever?"  Wait, what? Louis has had a crush on him the whole time?! Louis?! On him?! Niall seemed to notice how taken aback Harry was and smirked. "And he always checked you out in the hallways." Harry blushed "Okay Niall I got it."The smirk on Nialls face made it a little awkward.

"And since, whatever happened between you guys he smiled again, and I want to thank you for that." That sounded so honest, Harry ran his finger gently over the ring. So the smile he adored so much only shone so bright because of him? A slight smile appeared on his face.

"What are you doing?"

A thing he always wanted to do. Harry kicked off his shoes and rolled his jeans up stumbling towards the water. "You know that it is way too cold to step into the water?" Yes, Harry knew that but he had no idea if he would ever be at the beach again so he did it anyway. The cold water let a sharp pain rush through his feet.

His hoodie fluttered in the salty smelling wind and his feet sank into the ground beneath him. Harry closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh air, standing there in the ocean, the rushing sound of waves in his ears felt like freedom. As he opened his eyes again Niall stood next to him also bare feet in the water, he gave Harry a smile before he turned back to the ocean and just looked at it.


"Where have you guys been?" Liam asked right when Niall and Harry entered the house. "At the water." Niall pointed behind them with his thumb "Are Lou and Ze still asleep?" Liam gave Harry an amused smirk "Nope they went out getting coffee. Do I wanna know why Louis came out of your room H?"

"We didn't, I mean, no, ugh I swear we didn't Uhm." How he hated it when he couldn't bring out a correct sentence and stuttered some weird stuff instead. Niall instantly started laughing as well as Liam. "What are you laughing about Lads?" Louis who suddenly stood beside them asked carrying his sunshine smile.

It warmed Harry's heart to see it even more after what Niall had told him. Their eyes locked for a few seconds. It got quiet around them, it was just him and Louis. "About your horrible looking hairband." Liam teased and pulled it off of Louis head which left his har in a total mess. "Oh yeah, thanks lad now I look like a jerk." he sassed, he was holding a huge paper bag in front of his chest.

"I thought you would only get some coffee." Liam curiously sneaked a look into the bag. "That was the plan, but the store had so many sweets I have never seen in my life before-" Louis got cut off by Zayn "In conclusion, Lou is very hungry." He was holding up two more bags. "U sure you didn't do stuff?" Liam asked smirking.

The whole day had been such a good day, they did a lot of funny things, but Harry was also thankful as the day was finally over he was so exhausted. Louis had brought his bedsheets down into Harry room so they didn't have to share again because Louis was one of those people that take the whole blanket for themselves in sleep. And there had been no chance for Harry to get it back.

"You're still reading this book?" It had taken one day for Harry to finish it. "For the third time." Louis answered "What? Why?!"  Louis quickly closed it as Harry tried to see what he was writing inside of it. "You will see someday." Wow, now Harry was even more curious about what the boy had written.

But he decided to leave it alone as he laid down snuggling into Louis side. "This guy has a crazy dirty mind." Louis put the book away and looked down at Harry who was using him as a pillow. Harry chuckled remembering a few of his poems "Oh yes, but that's what makes him so special from other poets." Something was missing, right, Harry's small pillow, he lifted his head to look past Louis where he spotted it right next to his head.

He leaned over to grab it but stopped as his face was so close to Louis' that their noses slightly touched. They shared an intense look Harry almost drowned in the blue of Louis' eyes, his breath got slower and his skin felt that way again. It was thirsty for Louis hands to touch every single inch of it. The fire started burning and all Harry wanted was to get lost in Louis kisses.

"Looks like he's not the only one," Louis smirked and pulled Harry against his lips. It was deeply intense and let Harry forget the world around him. Louis' pulled Harry's hoodie up and let his hands slide along his upper body. His cold fingertips left a trail of goosebumps behind them. Then Louis slipped out of his own hoodie.

The boys just stared into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds, breathing heavy, Harry felt Louis rushing heart beating strongly against his chest. The blood was pumping in his veins and the adrenalin rush through his whole body. Then he let his hands slip down to the bond of Louis sweatpants and slowly slid his fingers underneath. It was kinda weird looking down on him usually Louis was the one looking down on him.

Louis let out a little moan and moved his hips up against Harry's. Harry took that as a, Louis likes what he was doing and continued biting his bottom lip. Louis's grip around Harry's biceps got stronger as he started moving his hand up and down. A gasp escaped Louis' lips. Then his hand wandered up to Harry's neck and pulled him down to him, kissing him hard.

His tongue parting Harry's lip, his little groans in between made Harry even more excited. "Stop," He exhaled heavily opening his eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" Harry pulled his hand out of the older boy's boxers. "No, I just don't want to cum yet." Harry smiled wide, "Do you have-" Harry opened the drawer of his bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. "Of course"

Louis chuckled "How could I even doubt it" Harry smiled proudly now he was the one that was prepared. Louis made a quick move and made them switched positions. He ripped the condom pack open with his teeth. It looked like those 'cool' guys in movies do, it made Harry laugh and wonder if he had practised that. He rolled it over and leaned down. The gentle kissed he placed along Harry's neck felt so soft.

Then he slowly made his path down, exactly like the last time, Harry loved it. He reached the seam of Harry's shorts and pulled them off. Harry just watched him coming back up to kiss him. The way he twisted his tongue made Harry go crazy, his heartbeat hammered so fast that he could hear it in his own ears.

Louis let one squeezed some lube on his hand without pulling out of their kiss. Then he let his hand slide down to Harry's bum, he waited for Harry to nod before he let his finger slide in. Harry's breath got heavier as further Louis went. He moaned quietly. After a little while when Louis got up to three fingers he pulled out and looked down at Harry.

"Ready?" He breathed asking. Yes! Harry just nodded quickly he couldn't wait any longer. Louis started pushing in slowly, always checking on Harry. "I'm fine Lou, just do it." Harry watched a slight smile appear on Louis' face and he pushed in deeper. Harry let out a heavy moan and gripped the sheets next to him.

Louis just went faster. Oh god, Harry's breath got faster and also Louis let out little groans, breathing heavily against Harry's neck. Harry giving in beneath him. "Oh god" wow just wow. Harry brushed the curls out of his sweaty forehead after they had finished and Louis threw the condom into the trash, perfectly.



This is my first story ever, and I have never written a kind of detailed smut scene before I cut it off every time so PLEASE don't judge if it was bad.

