Chapter 3 PRESENT PT.1

PRESENT - is a current time or happening right now.

" Cessna 128 DP , cleared for take off runway 16, no delay , straight out departure approved "

" Cabin crew , please take your seat for landing"

After 2 minutes

" bienvenue à bord de la jeune miss"

(welcome aboard young miss) At the same time she was greeted by 30 guards while bowing to pay their respects to their Maître ( Master )

" Aah, pourquoi si chaud dans ce pays?!Je suis fatigué, allons-y je veux voir mon grand-père"

( Ahh , why so hot in this country , let's go I want to see my grandpa)

After the maiden said those words she sat on the back seat of the car

" oui jeune mademoiselle"

( Yes, young miss)

The driver starts the engine and turned to another gate where only famous celebrities ,or businessman could use to avoid the media or reporters

- After 2 hours Drive -

" Grand-père tu me manques tellement comment vas-tu?"

( Grandpa I miss you so much , how are you? )

"Ma fille tu me manques aussi, je vais bien ici ne t'inquiète pas ton grand-père est plus fort comme un cheval"

( My daughter i miss you too , I'm fine here don't worry your grandpa is more stronger like a horse )

"Grand-père est-ce que je reste ici pour de bon?"

( Grandpa am I staying here for good? )

"Oui si tu veux aussi et tu vas à nouveau étudier pour que tu puisses profiter de tes vacances ici au lieu de dormir toute la journée"

( Yes if you want too and also your going to study again so you can enjoy your vacation here instead of sleeping all day )

"Et chérie parle anglais tu n'es pas en France, nous sommes ici aux Philippines d'autres personnes peuvent dire que tu es un cinglé ou une femme folle Ha! ha!"

( And darling please speak English your not in the France , we are here in the Philippines other people may say your a weirdo or a crazy woman Ha! ha ! )

" OK bien ,uhmm i mean ok fine grandpa I'm going to my room I'm sleepy , bye grandpa see you later muah " Kiss his Grandpa before going to her room

" Your still the same my daughter the princess who always locked herself in her castle , just like a jem she's the precious one a hidden jem to be exact she's "THE ONE" like other people want to have . "

" Hmm Inday tell to your young miss that I'll be gone for day's or a month maybe and please do tell her that go to this location , give it to her after she awake Ciao I'll have an important business to handle"

* I'll update tomorrow , thank you *