
Scott woke up in a a forest. In the forest he could see two wolf duking it out. He tried to command them to stop only for them to ignore him and continue fighting.

He tried to summon his powers but he couldn't. He tried to use his inner wolf only to realise he couldn't feel it. That's when he realised something. Those are his inner wolf or wolves.

It baffles him to know that he has two inner wolf instead of one. Knowing that, he tried to get them to stop fighting knowing that he would be in danger if they continued fighting.

Scott tried everything and still didn't get any result. In the end one of the wolf won. The wolf howled at his victory. It looked at Scott but before Scott could say anything, he woke up.

Scott woke up sweating heavily. Derek seeing his little brother woke up, ran to get his mother and Deaton to check up on him. All three of them quickly arrive to Scott bedroom.

Talia was asking Scott how he was feeling while Deaton checked on Scott condition. Derek was taking a glass of water to give to Scott.

"Looks like your condition has stabilise" Deaton said to Scott.

Scott looked confused not knowing he had passed out. Talia and Deaton gave him a smile trying to ease up his worries. Scott suddenly remember about how Klaus was his father.

He looked up at Talia. Talia knowing what he wanted to ask, told everyone to leave them alone for their privacy.

"Was that person really my father?" Scott asked slowly and hesitantly.

"Yes Scott. I'm sorry for not telling you about it" Talia said with a tone of regret.

Scott tried listening to her heartbeat to see if she lying. Although he knew his mother could make her heartbeat steady to make it seem like she wasn't lying. He nonetheless believe his mother won't lie to him on this matter.

To Talia surprise, Scott was smiling and crying. Scott always wanted to know what it was like to have a father. He felt left out seeing others having a father or at least knew their father for a couple of years. He always felt jealous of Malia relationship with Peter.

To know that his father is still alive made him not just happy but overjoyed. Talia could see he could hardly contain his happiness. His heart leaped with joy and happiness overtook him.

"Had I ever been happier in life?" Scott asked himself.

It elevated his mood just thinking about it. Talia seeing how ecstatic her son was made happiness swelled within her.

"Where is my father? Can I meet him? Will we be having fun? Will he teach all sorts of stuff and give me advice? Will he tell me stories? Will he show his love and happiness for me?" Scott asked multiple questions as fast as he could.

"Slow down pup. Let's go see him now and you can ask him all your questions" Talia replied to Scott.

They got out of Scott's room and went to the house Klaus was staying at. When they enter the house they could see the house was charmingly artistic with beautiful arts all over the place. Surprisingly it was also clean and bright and gives off a homey vibe to it.

This was something Talia never expected from Klaus as his reputation was not one of the best. Further into the room they could see Klaus painting.( I won't describe it cause I know nothing about art and I don't wanna act like a know it all)

Klaus hearing the footsteps a mile away looked behind to see Talia and his son. His eyes seeing Scott seems to brighten even more. It was as if his eyes was brighter than the glow of a werewolf eyes.

He slowly walked to Scott. It cheered his soul seeing Scott smiling at him. He quicken his pace and hugged Scott.

"Hello love. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you and your first impression of me wasn't that good" Klaus said in a sad voice.

Scott hugging his father felt something he never felt before. It was similar to when he hugged his mother but it was also different.

It was like a fire was in his heart and he just wanted to stay inside the hug never letting go of it. He felt warm and he felt the bond between a father and his son.

"Is this what it liked to have a father?" Scott asked himself. It gave him a vague memory of his past life when he first met his father from the past life. But he couldn't remember anything after that.

Scott cried in Klaus arm. All the jealously and sadness of never having experienced a father love came out of him. It was poured all over to Klaus.

Klaus didn't mind Scott crying. Klaus heart dared to hope that he could be a good father for Scott and that was what he was gonna do.

However, Peter came in and told them that Malia was missing which broke their warm atmosphere.

Scott immediately got out of Klaus hug worrying for Malia. They suddenly hear a scream of help.


Scott hearing Malia voice suddenly felt angry. Rage flowed through him like lava. His fury sprang to life. His eyes was deep red. His teeth becoming sharp.

He could feel himself getting out of control but he didn't care. His rage blinded him. He turned into a full wolf and ran out to where he heard Malia voice.

The wolf Scott arrived there after a couple seconds. He could see hunters smiling seeing Malia shivering and scared. They felt joy thinking of ways to torture her.

Raw anger shot through Scott and that was when all hell break loose. All of Scott control went away leaving just a angry werewolf in place with no control.

Scott jumped at them and bit one of them. The hunters seeing him got their guns out and started shooting. However, Scott was way faster and already killed one of them.

The hunters tried it run seeing no ways to win only for Scott to speed up and kill all of them.

A few seconds later, Talia arrived with Klaus and Peter. Seeing dismembered bodies all around with a wolf fully covered in blood. Scott still not having control of himself started attacking them.

Klaus knowing he would always heal went in front of Scott and tried to get him back to normal without hurting him.

"Love it's ok I'm here." Klaus said.

It was still no use as Scott continued clawing at him. Klaus resisted the pain and hugged Scott in his wolf form.

"It's ok love I'm here. I know you are stronger than this. You will win because you are my son. You are Scott Hale Mikaelson." Klaus said full of love.

Scott stopped after hearing that. His body returned to normal with him passing out. Klaus body started healing.

Talia ran to Scott while Peter went to Malia. Talia asked Klaus if he needed any help only to see him almost fully healed. All three of them ran back to the Hale pack territory.

The pack members saw them arriving with Scott and Malia being unconscious. Although Scott wasn't in controlled he still remember what he did to those hunters.

It didn't sicken him in fact he enjoyed it.

"No one is going to hurt my pack or family. Even if it's god or the whole world I'll kill them all" Scott thought in his mind.