Tutorial - Part 1

"Game Over"

Those words caused Aaron to slump into his chair. He had prepared for weeks to beat this level and after playing for sixteen hours straight making the most precise movements to the pixel. He had died. His efforts from the previous month was wasted as he had made the smallest mistake. He then suddenly heard a noise.

When he looked up he noticed a purple semi-transparent screen akin to a status screen in a game. He slowly looked at the screen as he read the words that were visible on it.

[Would you like to register as a player]

[yes] [no]

He laughed as he sarcastically said to himself "Of course I would like to play a game. While I'm at it I might as well get some Olanzapine to stop myself from seeing stuff".

[Command accepted. You will be transferred now]

"Huh" he mumbled.

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared as his bedroom changed into an area with endless light that stretched around him. There were no walls and yet he couldn't move far off from where he had started. He then surveyed the room and as he did he noticed six pillars built as if they were to be used to hold up a temple. On top of each of these short pillars was a different weapon. From left to right he looked at each of them as a window popped up above them: [tutorial bow], [tutorial staff], [tutorial twin daggers], [tutorial war hammer], [tutorial spear] and [tutorial sword and shield]. As he started to wonder whether a staff would meant that magic was a possibility he hear another noise.

[choose your temporary class]

He then responded to this by saying "none".

The system then responded [choose your temporary class] in a somehow more annoyed way.

Aaron wondered whether this meant that the system had its own personality causing him to keep responding "none".

As he did this the system seemed to become more and more annoyed until it then said [temporary hidden class '---' unlocked] [Are you sure you will choose the epic class '---']

Pleased with himself Aaron then replied "yes". As soon as he said this he was transported into a different room with many other people. Unlike the first one this room had four walls and a ceiling. With a glance he could tell there were around fifty to a hundred different people. He saw a range of people from normal people to soldiers to bullies to convicts. Suddenly the system appeared once again.

[To leave this room you must go through the door in parties no larger than four people]

[To create a party say the word [party create], to invite someone to the party say [party invite]]

[You can also use commands such as [Status] and [Inventory]. There are currently 82 people in this waiting room]

[When you join a party rewards and experience will be shared equally among the members. This can be changed in the [party] settings]

[You must leave the safe zone in the next day]

[I wish you all great luck]

As the final window closed a timer appeared above the door.

[24Hours 00Minutes 00Seconds]

[23Hours 59Minutes 59Seconds]

[23Hours 59Minutes 58Seconds]

[23Hours 59Minutes 57Seconds]

As Aaron watched the timer he started to think about how he was going to proceed. He wondered weather he should join a party or go on his own. His thoughts started to stray ash he questioned what the purpose of choosing classes was and why only a certain amount of people were allowed through at once since they would end up at the same place. As these thoughts swirled around in his head he once again heard the system.

[Achievement Unlocked]

[You are the first to get a hidden class. All stats + 1]

[Achievement Unlocked]

[You are the first to get an Epic class. All stats + 1]

[Achievement Unlocked]

[You are the first to get an achievement. Luck + 1, you have gained a [Skill card]]

At this moment he realized that there were more important things to do than to sit around. He then said "Status".

[Name: Aaron]

[Level:1 Title:--- Class:--- ]

[Rank:1 HP:100/100 MP:150/150 ]

[Str:10 Agi:11 End:14 ]

[Int:16 Wis:15 Luck:13 ]

[A child would usually get 5 on each]

[An average person would usually get 10 on each]

[A professional would usually get 15 on their field]

[These are not exact as it would fluctuate due to peoples life and conditions]

Aaron questioned why his stats were so weird but then he looked at the last line. It makes sense that he has such a high intelligence and endurance due to the hours of gaming he would do at a time. This also explained his below average strength and agility, even with the extra stats, as he didn't get out very often. At this point Aarons mind turned towards the skill card that he gained due to his achievement. Aaron then said "Inventory". As he said this a large screen with a lot of slots appeared. When he tapped the skill card it gave him information on it.

[Skill Card]

[Rank: Unique]

[Once torn the skill card will give you a random skill related to your class]

Aaron then grabbed the skill card out of his inventory. It looked like a small slip of black paper with some sort of rune on it in white. As Aaron tore the paper he got another notification.

[Skill Gained]

[Name: Quick growth(Passive)]

[Rank: Unique]


[Effect: Exp will be gained at double the normal rate]

[A blessing to even the best of adventurers. With this skill you will certainly become a hero]

[Achievement Unlocked]

[You are the first to get a skill. Gain Skill [Skill Growth]]

[Skill Gained]

[Name: Skill growth(Passive)]

[Rank: Unique]


[Effect: Skill Exp will be gained at double the normal rate]

[A blessing to even the best of adventurers. With this skill you will certainly become a master]

"Huh" Aaron proclaimed. "Isn't this insanely overpowered. I've played a lot of games and levels usually make you a lot stronger. So why am I able to get this straight off the bat."

At this point Aaron had realized that the amount of people here had lowered by quite a large amount. "A lot of people must have left already I guess."

At this point a group of people came up to Aaron. There was a slim woman with short golden hair (she seemed to have picked up twin daggers) as well as two boys one was a tall but slim boy with brown hair and blue eyes and another with a very similar face but he was chubby and short. The chubby one had a war hammer making him look slightly like the dwarf while the other had a bow making him look like a an elf. From my past job as a pro-gamer I can tell that they had an unbalanced party with two damage dealers and a rogue. They would be a lot better if they had a tank and a support. The young woman then suddenly said

"Hiya, I'm Emma and I'm a rogue". Which was followed by the fat boy saying

"Hi, I'm Jake and I'm a berserker". Finally, the lanky boy also said

"Hey, I'm Jack and I'm an archer and I am this little guys older brother" he said as he started to pat Jakes head.

After a few seconds of silence Emma once again speaks up as she says "Isn't this the part where you say your name?"

Aaron then replied "I'm Aaron. What's the reason you've come up to talk to me"

Emma who must have assumed the role of leader in the party said "We wanted to know whether or not you would like to join our party."

Aaron then swiftly said "I don't feel like joining any parties. At least not for now anyway"

Emma then said "Shouldn't you at least tell us your jobs since we did the same for you"

Aaron replied "Why would I do that. Did I say that I would tell you what my job was if you told me yours. Or did you just expect me to give away some of the most important information in this place."

"Well I guess you never said that but isn't that quite rude" Emma said whilst stopping herself from throwing a fit.

Aaron then replied by saying "Look if your going to carry on in this place then you should know when to and when not to reveal information."

Aaron then tried to start to guess their stats from their jobs assuming that the rogue would have a really high agility. The berserker would have high strength and finally the archer would have a relatively high strength and agility.

[Skill Gained]

[Name: Player Appraisal(Active)]

[Rank: Common(Growth Type)]


[Cooldown: 1 minutes]

[Effect: You can figure out whether anyone is stronger or weaker than you in your line of sight]

[Your intuition has improved to the point that it is possible for you to guess whether someone is stronger or weaker than you. Who knows maybe sooner or later you could get accurate information]

After gaining this skill Aaron looked around the room and confirmed that no one here was stronger than him. With this information he tried to see just how many skills he could get. After using the rest of the time training skills after everyone had left Aaron gained 4 skills.

[Name: Sprint(Active)]

[Rank: Common]


[Cooldown: 5 minutes]

[Effect: You can run extremely fast for a short period of time]


[Name: Heavy Punch(Passive)]

[Rank: Common]


[Effect: After landing 3 consecutive punches without being damaged the 4th punch is 5x as strong]

[After landing a lot of hits you start to understand how to channel your power into a singular powerful punch after hurting your opponent]

[Name: Improved regeneration(Passive)]

[Rank: Rare]


[Effect: You heal 1HP more every 10 seconds]

[After tiering yourself out and getting hurt constantly your body is starting to heal faster than it used to.]

[Name: Inhuman Constitution(Passive)]

[Rank: Rare]


[Effect: You can feel fully awake after only 7 hours of sleep]

[After training so hard and resting so much you are able to last longer with less rest. Surely this skill will help you out. Unless you like sleeping]

After training all day and gaining these abilities Aaron looks up at the clock to see that it says

[00Hours 04Minutes 27Seconds]

After checking the time left and looking through his skills Aaron feels confident that he is able to handle whatever he may find through that door. As he finally enters he hears the system once again.

[Title Acquired]

[Solo Player]

[You are the first to acquire this title giving you extra benefits]

[All Stats + 2, Level + 1]

[Level Up]

[Name: Aaron]

[Level:2 Title: Solo Player Class:--- ]

[Rank:1 HP:110/110 MP:160/160 ]

[Str:12 Agi:13 End:16 ]

[Int:18 Wis:17 Luck:15 ]

[Additional Points: 2]


[Quick Growth, Skill Growth, Player Appraisal, Sprint, Heavy Punch, Improved Regeneration, Inhuman Constitution]

[The Tutorial has Begun]