End of Mount Taiyuan trip

The people in the camp were eagerly and anxiously waiting for Murong's team because they simply didn't know the situation of their children in the dungeon. Grantly, they recognized and believed in the ability of Murong's trio, but they still felt worried in their hearts. It was the instinct of every parent, I guessed.

Chen Dong also sensed Chen Yiren's worry and began to pat her back, comforting her.

"Don't worry, have not we just come back fine? Even Dawei and Fang were together with them. There won't be any danger, " Chen Dong said as he was soothing his wife.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait for too long. An energizing sound rang up from the dungeon's direction.

"Mom! Dad! We are back!" Murong excitingly shouted, informing the people in the camp of their arrival.

At this time, Chen Jinnan and Chen Yawen also heard the Murong's sound outside of their tent, realizing that their children had already returned. They then walked out to meet their children.

All of Murong's parents and grandparents came to meet with Murong's team next to the camp entrance. When Murong's team was approaching the camp, the first thing that they noticed was an elegant and dark-colored cape that Murong wore. They couldn't help but be amazed for a short time.

"Is that the equipment that you got from the dungeon? It looks strange but nice." Chen Jinnan was the first to react.

"We have some good lucks this time. It's an S-grade cape." Murong said with a smile while he recalled the property of the Black moon cape.


Item status

Name: Black moon cape

Class: Soldier

Grade: S

Passive skill:

1) Increase spiritual defense +7 level

2) Increase spiritual attack +7 level

Active skill:

1) Kinematic force field (1-meter diameter spherical force field that could prevent any physical attacks for 10 minutes per day)


Perhaps, 10-minutes kinematic force field didn't seem to have any significant effect in the prolonged fight, but at the most crucial moment, this extra little surprise may play a critical role. In the future, Murong, on more than one occasion, was able to appreciate this benefit.

Actually, the most important thing is that they got two S-grade pieces of equipment that had no restriction of the occupation that could use it. In other words, these black obsidian amulet and black moon cape could be used by anyone. This flexibility gave rise to all kinds of possibilities and could transfer among their group.

As Murong was pondering, Chen Yiren looked around and asked. "Murong, where is Huilong?"

It turned out that Huilong was walking behind Murong all these times. It was as if he sensed that his mother would make a scene when she saw him.

"I am here, mom…" Huilong, who hid behind Murong's big cape, quietly spoke and reluctantly revealed his slightly injured body to Yiren.

"Oh my god! What happen! Why he has a bruise and blood all over the place?" Yiren was astonished when she was able to see her son's state.

"We encountered some problems, but nothing was serious, mom." Huilong calmed Yiren while he was adding "Except I was nearly dead" in his mind.

"Yeah, it's over, and the harvest is very rich. Out of the three pieces of equipment, two are S-grade equipment. We even obtain several spiritual nuclei. In the future, these will be very valuable." Murong quickly added to lessen Yiren's worry and distract the focus from Huilong's injury.

"Still. Let mom clean the wound and put the bandage," Chen Yiren said with a show of concern in her eyes while she was grabbing Huilong's arm to take him to where the med kit was.

Chen Huilong promptly followed his mother. Not that he had much of a choice. After they arrived at the medkit box, Chen Yiren speedily unscrewed the water bottle and poured the liquid on Huilong's wounds. After that, she dipped a Q-tip into the cleaning solution which came with the medkit and began to rub gently around Huilong's wound.

"Zeeeed!" A sharp intake of breath and saliva from Huilong was heard. This cleaning solution stinged and irritated his wound tissue, causing acute pain. But, he only winced. He would not cry in front of his family for a small wound.

Yiren slightly paused upon seeing Huilong's response. She was used to the effect of this kind of wound cleaning solution, but she forgot that Huilong was just a boy and he wasn't used to experiencing this pain.

Yiren's face softened as she said, "Sorry, I forget to remind you that the cleaning solution might sting. It is nearly done. Just hold on." Then, she continued to clean his wound again.

"It is okay. I can handle it." Huilong acted bravely. He pretended as if it didn't hurt at all, and this was only annoying him. He was a man of the Chen Family, after all. How can he afraid of this little pain.

Yiren chuckled when she heard Huilong stubbornly acted. She then rinsed the wound thoroughly to rid it of any dirt and cleaning solution. Finally, she took out a few Band-Aids and applied them over Huilong's wounds.

Not far away, Murong discussed what to do next with the remaining family members after telling them what happened in the dungeon and showing them how to absorb the spiritual nucleus.

Interestingly, only Chen Dawei got a new wind attribute after the absorption process, but Chen Dong did not get any notifications.

"So, it seems to be random. Huh?" Murong thought, after getting the results.

"We need more data to reach a conclusion on how it works, I guess." Murong continued his thought process.

"So, what will we do next?" Chen Jinnan interruptedly asked.

"At first, I thought we were going to spend a few more days here to get more equipment but, the dungeon is too dangerous right now. Especially, we couldn't select our job yet. It would be a different story if we could get a job. So, we have to stop grinding for now." Murong told his thinking to the group.

"It is better to find another dungeon and try to get items from there. In fact, once I accompanied you guys off at home, I will do another duty that I got from a family meeting. I will go to survey the Borderlands region and hopefully find the dungeon there." Murong added.

"Yes, that makes sense." Chen Jinnan said and nodded, signaling his agreement. The others also had the same opinion.

"Now, it was almost dark. Let's stay for another night and go back home tomorrow?" Chen Fang suggested to the group.

Everyone agreed with Chen Fang's idea. Therefore, after three days of clearing the dungeon, Murong's family spent another night here in their camp. The next morning, they wrapped up their things and went home, ending the first dungeon family trip.