3, [Rehoming]

[You have consumed the amoeba and gotten the ability: Fine body manipulation. You have also grown by 4 MM.]

(4 hours later)


"Well, If I remember right, there are ants in my backyard. Hopefully the ants cant smell the difference.

I begin to slowly roll towards the place that ants used to be. Soon, I find a giant (From perspective) hill with millions (Again, from perspective) of ants swarming in and out.

"Ah, my old ant colony. I used to love this."

"I'm sorry." I say as I move close to a loner ant and get on his back.

Soon, My tendrils extend from my body and pierce his hard carapace like swiss cheese, and they begin to rewire his entire nervous system to my control.

I feel a stinging sensation as I slowly gain awareness of his body.

"Ah, This feels weirder than expected!"

My body begins to sink into his back, and soon only a tiny part of my true body can be seen.

"How does The ability Fine body manipulation work?"

[The skill [Fine body manipulation] allows you to slightly manipulate your host's body. At this level, you can only move around and see. Soon, you will be able to read their memories.]

The ant's leg twitches as I try to figure out how to move it.

"How do I even move this thing? No wonder Parasite slimes were meant to be MOB monsters! It's hard to control a body!"

After a few hours (minutes) of moving my body, I have finally figured out how to walk.

I begin to move the ant's body to go into the ants nest.

"Hehehhe. I'm going to take over the queen!"

I find the entrance to the nest, and I begin to walk inside, When suddenly, two ants turn and start chasing after me.

"DAMN!" I say loudly. "I guess my scent does change the ant"

My ant legs begin to break down as I move faster than should even be possible for an ant. I look back, and all the ants have stopped chasing me. But, I'm right in the middle of the house.

"Ugh." "Atleast I survived for now."

I activate the consume body skill and red liquid begins to come out of my main body, spreading entirely across the ant and forming into solid lines. Then, the lines began to rip open

the ant's body and sends the nutrients to me. Soon, the liquid retracts back into my and all that is left is the ant's head.

"What a gruesome sight."

"Didn't you say I could produce parts from creatures I have consumed? If so, How would I do it?"

[In order to produce parts from a creature, you must use the skill [consume body] on it and then focus on the part you want.]

I begin to think about what parts I could use from the two creatures I have consumed so far.

Soon, I decide on making ant legs.

Ripples begin to form on each side of my body and a large blob of my own cell begins to extrude from my sides. It takes the form of a giant M, then they split apart into 6 ant legs,

3 on each side. The ant legs then begin to shrink and turn black and harden.

"Uh, Ok then. That was kinda weird feeling."

"Well, time to go see what my old room looks like"


Strips of flesh begin to extrude from my slime and wrap together to form a crudely made ant head. They then constrict and melt together to make a fully working ant head.

"Jesus, I can't ever get used to this."

I begin to move towards the stairs.

"Ah, I remember this."

I pass through the kitchen with pots and pans hanging on a rack, then the living room with a tv on the fireplace and two small chairs and a table.

Finally, I make it to the stairs and climb up them.

"There it is, my old room."