5, [Raided]

'Great. Anyways, What's your name?'

"It's Jonathan"

'Jonathan, Eh? That was my old dog's name.'

"Of course it was. What can you even do anyway?"

'Watch and learn' I say as i create a giant ant leg and wave it around infront of him.

"Woah! How did you do that?"

'I have no idea either. Whenever I take over a body I can consume it and gain the power to create any of its body parts and a chance to get one of its abilities. Sadly, my hosts only last

for around 4 hours and i have only had 2.'


'Calm down jonathan, No. You will survive. That's only for beings I fully parasitize. You will be fine for now.'

"Oh thank the lord."

'Hold it, Quiet! I am sensing two beings at the front door!'

"Alright, lets go check it out!"

Jonathan gets up from the bed and slowly creeps over to the front door. A bad move really, as the door opens and two weird green humanoid things charge at jonathan

He dodges before the strike has even been made and smacks one of them.

"Woah, I could never do THAT before!"

'Well, technically I have seized control of your nervous system from your neck down, so I can make your reaction time and movement a bit faster.'

"Actually, What are those things? Goblins? Why are they here? aren't they supposed to only be in fantasy worlds?"

'Yeah uh, It seems that my appearance in this world has summoned monsters.'

"Seems? I SEE them!"

'Turn around'



"Ok ok, jesus." He says as he turns around, and two long and skinny ant legs come out from my body and impale the goblins.

"Woah, That was epic!"

'They arent dead, I can still feel their life force!' 'Quick! Stomp on one of their heads!'

Jonathan walks over to the goblins laying on the ground and stomps on its head, a loud cracking sound can be heard and its head pops like a watermelon.

Then, the ant leg in the goblin makes a squelching noise as it leaves the corpse, then a red droplet half my size appears on the end of it, and it stabs the droplet onto the goblin.

Red vein-like lines begin to appear from the mini-me and the goblin begins to shake then stands up.

Jonathan gets ready to kick my goblin, but i interrupt him with 'Woah, Stop that. I have just parasitized him, and he is under my control now!'

"You can do that too? Just how OP are you?"

'I am already a prodigy of my species. Not many parasitic slimes manage to survive past the first few hours of their life.'