Chapter 16 Do it in your room

Get ready?? For WHAT??!

Erin pulled Elena's clothes and wouldn’t let her to prepare for them.

'Dad, Nicole suddenly brought this man back. I don't know where the wild man came from. We know nothing about him!!'

'So suddenly...Do you think she did something bad outside, or ...'

'It should not be. How can we figure out what our family is like now?'

Bob stood on the stairs and thought for two seconds. He shook his head and sighed.

He doesn't know who the man Nicole brought back, but he knows his daughter's character and knows Nicole is not the kind of person who takes people home casually. Bob doesn't worry.

'Get ready first, and get home soon.'

He went downstairs, but he didn't notice Erin's dissatisfaction.

Because of Bob's words, the servant began to prepare the meal for Nicole.

About an hour later, Nicole brought him back. When Shawn really appeared in Family Miller, all the people were stunned.

Bob stood in front of Nicole and Shawn in rows.

'This is a gift for you, Mr. Miller, my father-in-law.'

Shawn took Nicole's hand and presented the gift.

The servant hurried forward and took it.

And Bob was surprised by Shawn's 'father-in-law'.

'You two are not married yet, just be casual.'

Bob probably hasn't found the lost household register yet.

'We are engaged and not far from getting married.'

Shawn said that he looked sideways at Nicole cheerfully, and the care and love in his eyes were too obvious.

Looking at Shawn's eyes, Nicole was deeply moved, and even almost believed in his wicked smile.

'Yes.'She quickly controlled her emotions in her heart and smiled back at Shawn, which was particularly shy.

'Engaged? That’s pretty soon! Not just together... '

Bob was still a little surprised and confused. Shawn is famous...

'Oh well, I apologize for my lack of explanation. Nic and I didn’t publicize about this simply because she didn't want others to know our relationship. In fact, we have been together for a long time.'

Shawn's words were so sincere that even Nicole almost fell for them.

It's just that there are always people who resent Nicole and wish her a miserable life. Erin was jealous of their 'love', and she couldn't help interrupting their conversation.

'Impossible! How can you be together for a long time! '

Erin's voice was very unruly, and suddenly inserted, which destroyed the chilling environment.

Nicole turned to Erin, and she pulled herself away from the emotion. She looked at Erin's angry look and was very proud.

'You seem to know a lot about our feelings? What do you know, huh? '

Nicole looked at Erin with a smile and asked a subtle question.

Erin suddenly remained silent, and when she saw Nicole's smile at the corner of her mouth, her heart almost stopped. She certainly couldn't say that she drugged her before, so Nicole and Shawn had a chance to develop their 'marriage'!

She was literally about to explode. It's too painful to watch Nicole get cocky, because Erin couldn’t reveal the truth!!!

'Hey, the feelings between us don't need outsiders to judge.'

Shawn suddenly raised his hand and gently touched Nicole's head to placate her, and his tone was particularly spoiled.

Bob's eyes stayed on Shawn. He knows what kind of person Shawn is, but the more he knows, the more he is worried about whether Nicole will have any unpleasant and unspeakable things with Shawn.

'Nicole, come with me and let Shawn have a sit.'

'I'll go to your room and have a rest.'

Just when Erin was a little surprised that Shawn was going to sit here, Shawn proposed to go to Nicole's room to rest, which ceased the excitement in Erin’s eyes.

Finally, he went to Nicole's room, and Nicole followed Bob to the study on the second floor.

As soon as Bob entered the study, he couldn't help asking Nicole what was going on.

'Why didn't you tell me before? He is also the heir of X-Space Industry. '

Shawn’s family is way stronger than Family Miller.

Bob certainly doesn't want his daughter to marry such a person, but he is worried that many unpredictable things will happen when such a big family enters.

Nicole seemed quite calm. She suddenly went to Bob, came to him, and then took Bob to sit down here to help him rub his neck.

'Dad, I didn't tell you before. I didn't think about keeping a low profile. Now people are in love so fast and so insincere. How do I know if this person is my destination? If I told you and it didn’t end up well, wouldn't it be shameful?'

Nicole, that's a good excuse.

Bob choked, but he sighed helplessly: 'I am worried that you will suffer.'

Nicole was touched in the bottom of her heart, and she understood Bob's worry.

She didn't tell Bob that there was a solution to the financing problem. After chatting with Bob for a while, Nicole returned to her room.

After she closed the door, she looked at the man who seemed to be asleep in bed. Nicole didn’t make a sound and approached Shawn step by step.

Her eyes involuntarily shifted to Shawn's pants chain. She didn’t know why she felt that he had a sigh pf erection, and even the pants got raised a little.

Nicole quietly stretched out her hand and slowly moved to Shawn's thick place. When she put her hand on it, the man lying on the bed instantly opened his eyes and pressed the woman over directly.

Nicole exclaimed subconsciously, but Shawn covered her mouth immediately.

A sudden kiss made Nicole feel dizzy.

Pressure in the body of the man has begun to gently immerse in her, across the pants and skirt, constantly rubbing on.

She was so confused by Shawn's kiss that she hooked her legs up around Shawn's waist.

While kissing, Shawn touched Nicole's boob with one hand unconsciously.

Shawn retreated from her lips, and the frequent gasps fell down. He slowly sucked down from her earlobe.

When Nicole's jacket was suddenly pulled up by him, Nicole couldn't help moaning and twisted her lower body. She reached out and stopped Shawn's hand.

'No, this is my room.'

'So what?'

Shawn had a deep voice, just finished saying this, and sucked directly on the fullness of her boobs.