Shadow Realm Gate

After Gui Di was done getting accustomed to his body that felt like it was reborn with its new attributes.

"Before you enter, I shall grant you new manuals to fight and cultivate with. Here is the World Soul Art cultivation manual, Ghostly Deathbringer Dagger Arts, and Spectral Illusionary Steps movement art. Coupled with your martial spirit, the Spectral Wind, you're practically destined to become an assassin!" Ling Tian handed three manuals to Gui Di while smiling.

"I can summarize what the manuals do. The World Soul Art is an art for cultivating the soul, you imagine and encompass the world as your soul, boundless and infinite. The Ghostly Deathbringer Dagger Arts and Spectral Illusionary Steps are for utilizing your Spectral Wind martial spirit to boost the stealth of your attacks and attack from the shadows with deadly precision and damage." Ling Tian released his enlightenment aura to boost the process of his teaching and increase Gui Di's perception.

"Before entering, my last piece of advice is to think outside the box and don't be restricted by normal thinking, follow your heart!" Ling Tian opened the Extremity Pagoda and kicked Gui Di in.

Gui Di appeared inside the Extremity Pagoda while still dazed from the enlightenment aura which integrated the vital information needed even without needing Ling Tian to explain further.

Gui Di stood up and clenched his fists tightly until his knuckles turned white.

"I shall get revenge, just you wait!" Gui Di put on his mask and behind that mask, you could see white and black eyes with a soaring killing intent leaking out.

It seems Ling Tian underestimated his perception and talent. Gui Di somehow even understood the Spacetime Dao when he should be learning the Ghost Dao and Soul Dao.

This means he is learning three Dao which is very hard, even prodigies have difficulties learning even one to a high level, not to mention three.

Gui Di's path will surely be a hard one if he does not work hard...

Gui Di entered the gate and looked around to see there was an abundance of ghosts forming out of the ground and stared at him.

He pulled out his Ghost Emperor Dagger Ling Tian gave him and went to work, slicing up everything in sight and learning plus cultivating during battle.

Gui Di noticed that there were wisps of pure soul qi that released every time he killed a ghost that he could absorb. Every time he absorbed a wisp, he could feel his cultivation increasing and his understanding of the Soul Dao and Ghost Dao slowly and steadily increasing.

His eyes glowed brighter than ever and he went faster with his killing. If anyone of a similar cultivation level were near him, they would be able to feel that his killing intent was pouring out like an ocean and was oppressive.

Outside, Ling Tian was surprised at his speed of improvement but was soon disappointed when he saw his recklessness.

"Gui Di, as an assassin, it's paramount that you do not release killing intent as that would alert the enemy, cease your killing intent now as you can still increase it when you need it in the future."

When Gui Di heard that, he stopped his killing intent from leaking and calmed down. He reflected on himself and continued fighting without a word.

'It seems like he learned his lesson, hopefully, he will be rational." Ling Tian nodded.


In the Extremity Pagoda, there were still four other disciples still working hard to increase their strength. Not everything is so bad in there, there are many treasures that you could stumble across.

Xun Luoyang came across a mountain that had a massive hole pierced through with what seems like a spear because it had spear intent on it. There was still a bloody killing intent lingering around the hole.

"There are many different intents, Spear Intent, Spear Heart, Spear Soul, and Spear and Man Union. This hole definitely has the Spear and Man Union intent lingering around, this will be beneficial to my Spear Dao efforts!" Xun Luoyang sat down in the middle and started absorbing and trying to gain enlightenment.

Yang Kai was walking with heavy breaths after fighting a long and arduous battle with many different fire-type enemies.

Although he got stronger by a lot, he still hadn't come across a fortuitous encounter until now. He looked up to see a flaming ball of fire filled with Pure Yang that is beneficial to the Extreme Yang Dao.

He smiled with much effort and dived into the center, his body burning but in reality, was being remade and reborn.

He could feel his body and Extreme Yang Dao's strength surging to the brim, he moaned in pleasure and agony at the same time, while gritting his teeth.

Gu Fang had many battle scars on him and he no longer looked human with all the grime and poisonous things on him.

He walked into a cave to heal himself when he saw in the corner of his eyes a green and luscious herb that looked like grass but with a divine celestial aura around it.

"Immortal Grass!" His eyes glowed and he immediately ate it, all the impurities and leftover poisonous matter that destroyed his body from the inside out was washed away and instead boosted his strength.

Immortal Grass was a rare special type of grass that gave its user massive amounts of life force and gave enlightenment in their respective Dao.

"With this massive amount of life force, I can improve my Death Emperor Body and become invincible!" Gu Fang giggled evilly.

Bai Feng was walking very slowly as he felt his whole body was getting slowly frozen more after time.

"I must hang on, if I endure and find an opportunity to gain enlightenment or find my own fortuitous opportunity I can rule the world!" Bai Feng dragged the sword he held in his hand across the ice and moved on.

After 1 mile, he saw a gigantic iceberg, inside was a ball of Pure Yin that was leaking the yin aura outside which attracted Bai Feng in its direction.

Bai Feng used the rest of his strength and true qi to carve a hole into the iceberg and crawled inside. He started absorbing fiercely which caused his body to become even colder and blue.

He didn't care and kept absorbing until his skin started cracking. After his skin cracked entirely, there was a bright light coming from inside, his body was being reborn and becoming stronger overall.

He was about to die before the skin cracked but he held on and gained enlightenment. He let out a breath of cold, icy air and walked outside like a new man.