Life and Death Battle

3 days pass by in the blink of an eye and the day of the life and death battle with Ling Tian and Yan Qiu was starting soon.

The majority of the sect came to spectate the battle to the death, it was a big day because it was rare for there to be a life and death battle in the sect.

The life and death battle stages were usually in every sect because some disciples' grudges couldn't be satisfied with just punishment and could only be solved with a battle to the death.

Yan Qiu challenged Ling Tian to a life and death battle because he didn't expect him to accept. If Ling Tian refused, he would be seen as cowardly even though Yan Qiu was of a higher cultivation realm.

Yan Qiu was surprised that Ling Tian accepted the challenge because even if he restricted his cultivation, he had a large advantage because of his experience and stronger understanding of the Dao than Ling Tian... is what he thought.

"Why do you think Ling Tian accepted the challenge? Is he stupid or is he just a frog in a well?"

"I think he might have a chance. Didn't you see that he was able to defend against Elder Yan's attacks with his Space Dao techniques?"

"You're right! Ling Tian may seem stupid but he accepted because he was confident in his ability to fight against cultivators the same cultivation as him. He probably has great battle sense!" The disciple nodded.

All the disciples were discussing the upcoming battle to the death that would be occurring soon between Ling Tian and Yan Qiu.

Even some elders were there and even more of them were hidden amongst the crowds or spectating from afar with their divine senses.

Yan Qiu was the first to arrive and he walked up to the stage dressed in luxurious clothing in an attempt to impress everyone, especially the female disciples.

"Ling Tian, are you scared? Where are you, coward?" Yan Qiu mocked Ling Tian immediately accusing him of being a coward.

"Do you ever know when to shut the f*ck up?" Ling Tian entered the stage with just ordinary black and white clothing that symbolized yin and yang.

"You!" Yan Qiu's face was red as no one would usually curse at him.

"Haha, I'd like to see your face and attitude after you get absolutely demolished." Yan Qiu sneered.

"Why are all of you arrogant young masters like this? Can't you all be smart and mind your own business?" Ling Tian picked his ears.

Yan Qiu had enough of Ling Tian and he dashed right towards with him while activating his technique. Ling Tian saw this and hopped right into his space rifts to launch a surprise attack.

"Five Elements Eye!" Yan Qiu's eyes turned into five different colors that symbolized Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Wood.

The Yan Clan was famous for their eye arts and the ability to see through things people wouldn't be able to normally see.

Yan Qiu was born with exceptional vision and penetrating eyesight that allowed him to fight with precision and dodge attacks gracefully.

Yan Qiu's Five Elements Eye technique allowed him to see qi fluctuations and disturbances in the air such as Ling Tian's space fluctuations on the stage.

Yan Qiu looked to his right as soon as Ling Tian opened up another space rift to launch his surprise attack which was a flying sword surrounded in dense spatial qi that would shred things to pieces.

Yan Qiu dodged it but Ling Tian was smart enough to apply some gravitational qi within to suck in Yan Qiu if he tried to escape. This worked as Yan Qiu couldn't dodge in time and was grazed on the right side of his body which was now leaking blood.

The initial damage caused wasn't too much but it was still a wound that could cause more opportunities since some of the dense spatial qi entered his body and started rampaging inside, destroying his innards overtime.

"All you know how to do is hide in your space rifts and launch surprise attacks!" Yan Qiu was incensed at the sight of the blood leaking from his body.

"Do you really think I'm that naive? I won't stop attacking with the advantage that I have and should use!" Ling Tian laughed out loud.

'Tch. He didn't fall for it, I was trying to provoke him into fighting head-on..." Yan Qiu frowned.

Ling Tian jumped into his space rift again to look for another opportunity to strike again. He sent out flying swords composed of spatial qi to make Yan Qiu move around and leak a weak point that he could take advantage of.

He planned to use the killing move that his master came up with after he broke through to the Heaven Immortal realm and taught him it after. The sword art was actually called the Desolate Space Tribulation Sword Art, it had 9 forms and a final killer move that was aimed to end the battle quickly.

Elder Kongjian used that killing move to part the tribulation clouds and defeat it, it even caused space cracks and split the sky.

Ling Tian used an illusional trick to make Yan Qiu think that there was a lethal attack coming from behind him by opening up a space rift behind him and gathered dense spatial qi and some killing intent mixed in to cause Yan Qiu's instinct to blare towards the back.

Yan Qiu turned around to parry the attack and slide it off his sword but Ling Tian opened up another space rift and exited out of it right behind him after he turned around.

"Desolate Space Tribulation Sword Art: Killing Move! Cleaving the Heavens!" Ling Tian shouted with all his might as he slashed down with all of his remaining spatial qi which cracked the surrounding space and caused the sky to dim.

The sword slash shredded Yan Qiu to bits and even tore his soul to shreds, disabling him from ever reincarnating.

Everyone was shocked with their jaws to the floor and eyes wide open. The elders were surprised at how impressive Ling Tian battled and everyone applauded after the space cracks healed themselves after a while.

"I never really liked Yan Qiu, he was just a petty little brat that bothered and bullied anyone that he didn't like." All the disciples started pitching in about their dislikes.

"Shut up!" People from the Yan Clan and Elder Yan spoke out with red eyes at the loss of their young master.

"Ling Tian, you are so dead!" A powerful voice came from the elders' seats which were high above the disciples.

An elderly man with silver hair and eyes that seemed to peer deep into your souls like you were naked with your secrets laid bare was in the sky looking down at Ling Tian with eyes of anger now.

His eyes glowed red and Ling Tian felt like he was suffocating with his qi rampaging about from the pressure.

"You better stop before I get angry..." Elder Kongjian was watching from afar with his divine sense and was proud of his disciple. He then got angry at the scene of an elderly man that was so shameless as to try and kill a disciple in front of everybody just because their clan member got killed because of their own fault.

"So what if you're angry? We're both Peak Earth Immortals, what are you going to do?!" The old Yan Clan elder was furious. He didn't know that Elder Kongjian was now a Heaven Immortal because only Heaven Immortals had the ability to see through the space formation Elder Kongjian created. He even restricted the cultivation he leaked out to the Peak Earth Immortal realm so no one knew besides the Patriarch and the Ancestor.

The patriarch knew because he was actually at the Half-Step Heaven Immortal, just a small step away from reaching it but he didn't have the opportunity of enlightenment to reach it just yet. He saw the tribulation and felt the aura of a Heaven Immortal after he looked deeper into the space formation that blocked senses below Heaven Immortal.

Elder Kongjian released his Heaven Immortal realm cultivation aura which oppressed the Yan Clan elder immediately. He dropped down because of the intense gravity and Elder Kongjian calmly waved his hand and multiple space cracks formed near Elder Kongjian, heavily injuring the elder with cuts riddling his entire body.

"If I see you trying to harass and kill my disciple through any means, I'll tear out your eyes, tear off your limbs and feed you to the beasts." Elder Kongjian threatened and a dreadful aura leaked out from him. He wasn't going to kill him originally but changed his mind and almost killed him but the patriarch stopped him with divine transmission.

"Y-yes, I'll leave right now and I won't do anything." The elder was afraid for his life and left as soon as he could. He actually left with a grudge and planned to try and scheme against Ling Tian anyway because of the humiliation later.

Of course, he'll soon come to regret not just leaving silently without a grudge...