The First task

The tension was evident on the faces of the queen and prince Hailey, the unexpected gift came as a surprise to them.

when someone sent a package on a stretcher with wood and thick cloth, the palace guard immediately checked, and it turned out that the contents of the stretcher were Lord Baron, his feet and hands were bound, his mouth was gagged with a cloth.

On the cloth was a message addressed to the kingdom.

The guard took the initiative to send Lord Baron to Prince Hailey's bodyguard, and the prince checked himself, after he opened the package and saw with his own eyes and head, he called the queen.

"Read the message!" The queen's voice sounded angry, her face was red, she asked her bodyguard to open the Baron's gag, and read the message written on the fabric.

The bodyguard started to spread the handkerchief and read the message written in blood.

"Something bad never lasts!" he said in a loud voice.