I am the daughter of the Dragon General and Empress Jin.

Since childhood, my father has taught me the Art of the Shadow, trained by the finest Ninsha in the known realm.

As a shadow ninsha, guile, surprise, infiltration and sabotage are our forte, unless one requires silencing.

Home of the Jin Dynasty, Celestial Dragon city is situated in the east of Theia, and is covered in eternal darkness.

Mountains, valleys and forests are where we live, high in temples and pagodas that reach the heavens. Built so we are near our Gods, the Ethereal Dragons.

Much different from the ancient dragons that roamed the western continent millennia ago, our dragons are benevolent, heavenly creatures.

Housed in shade for three of four solar months per cycle, our eyes and culture have adapted.

Throughout our cities and valleys, red lanterns and bulbs shine, red our colour, red covers' our buildings and paper hangings.

Feasts are frequent, mass gatherings filled with exotic delights.

Long stairs cases, intertwining and twirling throughout our cliffs and valleys. Cable-lifts take us high and manoeuvre us within and between cities.

Never breached have we experienced, for the enemy see not our traps shadows and towns.

Day cycle they've tried, but high ground we have, their bulky cannons and heavy cavalry made useless by our vertical enclosures and narrow entries.

We are people of alchemy and bolt, our weaponry exotic, our crossbows precise. Fire is our Allie, utilised by the Blazen League, they crafted flamethrowers and fire-rockets. The crossbow is our weapon of choice and many designs we have.

Distance is our choice of warfare, for we lack the speed of the samurai, aggression of the Highlander and armour of the Templars. Instead, shadow warfare is our speciality, one carefully placed bolt into the throat of an enemy general, is worth 1000 foot-soldiers on the battlefield.

Misdirection and espionage are how we influence the game, staying strong in this brutal world, were the undead roam and cut-throats linger.

My shadows successfully penetrated each of the great kingdoms, obtaining their secret codes, although, to our surprise, we too were being lead astray.

The Dark Lyguyison, Gods they are not, great deceivers they are.

For too long we have been pawns in this contest of crowns, but now, we will be the ones deceiving the so-called gods. Unite we must, petty differences aside, the fate of Theia lays apon our shoulders.

Approved by my mother and father, I will go out, through the Unforgiven Lands, to meet the Champions of the World. the Deadliest Warriors.' I must convince them, together, we will bring down the Lyguyison, but first, we must conquer the Lands of Huasdroff, by destroying the Dark Sorceress, for this, may put an end to the Hellspawn.

Our ninsha will keep us informed of our guests' movements, each cadre watched, and all kept safe from the umbrae.

With me is Brother Xu Guangtou of the Crimson Fist, a warrior monk and master of the Tri-tianium Staff, a rare Bo staff capable of shattering steel. He dreams of travelling the realms and feasting with foreign friends, peace is something he prays upon.

Mecanicus Huo, a pyrotechnic, expert in exotic weaponry. He favours the Ignitus cannon, a handheld flamer thrower. He fancies himself a scientist, a great alchemist he is, witty and eccentric.

We shall travel by air, as the only nation capable of flight, our steam-ballons help us avoid unnecessary contact, and are perfect of our roles.