Got Equipment From Fishing

While having lunch, Nocturne went on the forum again and another pinned thread caught his attention.

"Tell us about your first impression of the game."

"First impression? That's a lot… The place is crowded with people, the monsters are gone right after they spawn. I can't even level up properly, it's discouraging."

"Hey you, it's normal for games to be crowded after the server opens. Moreover, the server opened at 8:00 p.m., it's definitely going to be crowded. Try to play the game in the morning or midnight, it's less crowded because those salarymen are either working or sleeping."

"The scenery is great. The devs must have spent a lot of effort. Thumbs up."

"The games in the tavern are quite fun, the alcohol is nice. I could play the game all day."

"You have money for alcohol? I can't even get enough to buy food."

"I realized the life skills in the game are rather difficult to achieve. It's not just a normal casting, you have to follow the steps and proper actions to make it happen. I've failed at cooking several times now, it's torturous! I've contacted the devs and they said it's made this way to increase the importance of players who focus on life skills."

"I know right! I went fishing and the fish escaped a dozen times! I fished for more than 3 hours and I only got three fish! I realized fishing is not my game, so I deleted the skill and went mining."

"NPC's intelligence is off the charts! There's no problem communicating with them! I asked Ms. Rena what kind of panties she's wearing today and she got angry! She blacklisted me and kicked me out of the shop! Then I got a notice about me getting banned from the shop for 15 days. If after the restriction is lifted and I cause another offence, the duration will be increased to three months! A third time will result in a permanent ban from the leather shop! (Doge Sticker)"

"Hahaha! You shouldn't flirt with Rena, you had it coming."

"Look who's talking? Rena is really hot, she's so flirty!"

"Rena is mine! Draw your swords, peasants!"

"I have a doujin book about Rena!"

"Holy sh*t! You monsters! It's only been a day and you got a doujin of her?! Send me the link! (Sly Sticker)"

"Me too!"


The thread somehow went off topic from the start.

"I have to cook the food myself? Surprising but not a problem."

Nocturne was rather confident in his cooking. He came from a normal family, so he had to help out his family from a very young age, doing chores and cooking were not a problem for him.

He had inherited his mother's cooking skills from a young age. He started to help out in the kitchen during his first year in middle school and he was able to prepare a full meal during his second year.

As for the increased difficulty of various lifestyle skills just so the devs could improve the importance of lifestyle classes in the game, Nocturne found it to be great. Increased difficulty meant lower production, with lower production, the price and value of the products generated from lifestyle skills would be higher. 

It was great news to Nocturne, who planned to be a casual player focusing on lifestyle classes.

Afternoon, by the river. Nocturne picked up his fishing rod and continued fishing.

He opened up his character stats window while waiting.

[Name: Nocturne]

[Level: 4 (761/2,000)]

[Class: Paladin]

[HP: 130/130]

[Mana: 130/130]

[Strength: 28]

[Agility: 13]

[Stamina: 13]

[Wisdom: 13]

[Spirit: 13]

The experience table in Destiny Online was fairly simple.

The experience calculation formula: EXP needed for previous level + EXP needed for current level x 200

Meaning, Level 50 would require 255,000 EXP to level up.

The experience tables for skills and talents were the same.

Given his current leveling speed, he would need at least two to three days more to reach Level 10.

It was then that the fishing rod shook.


"Acquired: Waterproof Box"

"Hoho, nice! Starting off lucky!"

"Used Waterproof Box. Acquired: Bronze Sword, Recipe: Stewed Eel And Tofu, 28 Copper.

[Bronze Sword (Common)]

[One-Handed Sword]

[Damage: 5 ~ 8]

[Requirement: Level 4]

[Recipe: Stewed Eel And Tofu]

[Required ingredients: Long-mouth Eel x 2, Tofu x 1, Seasoning.]

[Usage: Consume it to recover 210 HP in 18 Seconds. Unavailable during combat.]

[Requirement: Culinary (20)]

"Not bad. I can use the sword and I can try cooking the long-mouth eel when I get some."


"Acquired: Tasty Small Fish"

"Acquired: Tasty Small Fish"

"Acquired: Grass"

"The fish escaped…"

"Acquired: Tasty Small Fish"

"Hmm, something is not right. I'm not getting any long-mouth eels, even after so long. This should be the right place. Is there something wrong with my fishing method?"

"Right. Eels lived nearer to the riverbed, I should release the thread longer to fish them. The hook with the bait should reach near the riverbed."

He then adjusted the float and tested his theory out.

"Acquired: Long-mouth Eel"

"Damn it, I knew it! Even fishing is made with such realism! The increased difficulty is real!"

Since Nocturne found out the problem, he ought to fish more eels because it was getting late. In two hours or less, it would get dark in the game.

"Acquired: Long-mouth Eel"

"Acquired: Tasty Small Fish"

"The fish escaped…"

"Acquired: Long-mouth Eel"

"Acquired Waterproof Box"

The appearance of another Waterproof Box surprised Nocturne.

He rubbed his hands and opened it up.

"Used Waterproof Box. Acquired: Refined Dagger, 35 Copper"

[Refined Dagger (Great)]


[Damage: 6 ~ 8]

[+3 Agility]

[Requirement: Level 6]

"I got a Green dagger! But I can't use it… What a waste. I guess I'll sell it later when I get back to the village. A Green item in the early stage of the game should worth a lot."

Destiny Online was made with hyperrealism. Other than the Boss and Elite monsters, non-humanoid monsters would not drop any equipment, they would only drop crafting materials.

However, non-humanoid Boss and Elite monsters were popular among players because they had a higher chance to drop a pet or a mount than humanoid Boss and Elite monsters. They would also drop certain rare materials for crafting.

Equipment table:

Common: Attributeless. No slots.

Great: 1 ~ 2 extra attributes. 1 slot.

Refined: 2 ~ 3 extra attributes. 0 ~ 1 equipment effect. 2 slots.

Epic: 3 ~ 4 extra attributes. 1 ~ 2 equipment effect. 3 slots.

Legendary: 4 ~ 5 extra attributes. 2 ~ 3 equipment effect. 4 slots.

The slots in the equipment were meant for jewels or gemstones. The lifestyle class, Jeweller, could produce gemstones for embedding and the raw materials could be mined or farmed from monsters.

While Nocturne was thinking about the equipment, a middle-aged man walked over to him.

"Hey man, can I ask something? I can catch long-mouth eels here right?"

"Yeah, this is the place."

"I've been fishing for a while now but all I get is Tasty Small Fish, I don't see any eels here."

"Oh, you have to adjust your float and hook. Eels live near the riverbed."

"Oh wow, really? It's that realistic? I didn't realize it until now. Thanks man. Let's add each other as friends, we can fish together sometimes."

"Sure, we are all fishing enthusiasts anyway. I'm Nocturne."

"Notification: TigerShark sent you a friend request."

After tapping 'Yes', the guy known as TigerShark sat down further away and continued his fishing.

Nocturne also continued fishing. He was able to fish around 20 plus eels and a small talent stone before the sky got dark.