Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish

"It's pretty obvious who the gauntlet goes to, so let's test our luck with the greatsword and the ring."

First, the Shatterbone Greatsword. It was taken by FlyingFireball with 89 points.

Second, the Abyss Ring. Nocturne was lucky enough to take it by rolling 92 points.

After the distribution, the dungeon officially ended.

This would be what a normal dungeon run looked like. If a player was unlucky, he might not even get a single piece of gear that suited his class; if he was lucky, he would at most get 2 to 3 pieces.

This particular dungeon run rewarded the party a total of 6 pieces of gear, meaning if a player wanted to collect a full set of gear based on his class, he might have to run it at least a dozen times; if he was unlucky, he might have to run it at least 30 to 40 times.

On top of that, a normal dungeon usually dropped green gear with a small chance of blue gear; hard dungeons also dropped green gear but had higher chances of getting blue gear and even exalted blue gear, which had three attribute lines.

Sudden death difficulty dropped green, blue, exalted blue and had a small chance of normal purple, which was Epic tier gear. Exalted purple gear would only drop in legion dungeons.

In other words, a normal player would have a set of green gear mixed with one or two blue gear.

"Okay, now that the dungeon is over, it's getting late here. Let's call it a day. We can add each other as friends and if you are free later at night, in real time, let's go for another run."

After adding each other as friends, the party teleported out of the dungeon but Nocturne stayed back.

When he was fighting Black Claw, the first mini boss, he noticed a glimmer in a hole on the wall. He might have been seeing things but if he was not, then he would have found an easter egg in the dungeon.

It reminded him of the easter egg he found in the trial dungeon and it made him excited. He hoped he could get something good this time.

He arrived at the chamber where Black Claw was and checked the hole on the wall. The hole was small. It was pitch black but it had a small glimmer. 

The glimmer was hiding deep in the hole, it would be difficult to notice if Nocturne did not get close enough the first time.

Nocturne took out the magic lantern that he got from doing the hidden quest and shed light into the cave.

The cave was not big or spacious by any means, it was surrounded by stone walls and had a small pond in the center.

The pond glimmered red when illuminated by the lantern. Nocturne noticed several red figures moving inside, it seemed to be a special kind of fish.

He tried squeezing himself through the hole but failed to get through. It was too small for him to pass through but that was not a huge problem. As long as his fishing rod could get through, it would be fine.

He took his fishing gear out and also put on the Old Fisherman's Hat.

After putting on the bait, he reeled the line in a bit before putting the rod through the hole. He then moved the rod a little further and successfully cast the line into the water.

This fishing rod with a reel was much more convenient than a manual one. The reel allowed him to control the line at his will, if he was using the old manual rod, he would have to go through the mill to cast the line.

A while after the line was cast, something took the bait. Nocturne reeled the line and pulled the fish out of the water. He carefully pulled his rod out of the hole and got himself a red fish.

The fish body was thoroughly red, its tail was bigger than usual. It somehow resembled a butterfly koi with a bright red glow, it was dazzling under the lantern's light.

[Acquired: Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish]

[Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish]

[Crafting Material]

[Note: It got its name because of its fiery red scales and scarlet tail, it is usually used for cooking or alchemy purposes to craft Fire resistance consumables.]

"Fire resistance?"

If Nocturne remembered correctly, there should be two new dungeons in Level 15, the Ice Cave and Blazing Valley. The first one had monsters inflicting Ice damage and the second one, Fire damage.

Fire resistance material's importance to the exploration of Blazing Valley was self-explanatory.

"Wait, does it mean I'm going to be rich? Hmmm, I can't be sure for now. Let's just fish it all out and check the price at the auction."

Nocturne removed the fish from the hook and loaded a new bait. He continued fishing for the Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish and after he got five of them, the glow in the water disappeared.

Nocturne then searched the dungeon up and down, high and low, and he found quite a number of holes but they were all dead ends.

Since he was unable to find any more fishing spots, Nocturne teleported out of the dungeon and handed in the related quests. 

He got a ton of EXP, reputation and two pieces of gear.

[Black Iron Chest Plate] (Refined)

[Plated Mail]

[68 Armor]

[+4 Strength]

[+7 Stamina]

[Requirement: Level 12]

[Refined Pauldron] (Great)

[Plated Shoulder Guard]

[30 Armor]

[+2 Strength]

[+4 Stamina]

[Requirement: Level 10]

Nocturne returned to the town before dark and headed to the auction.

He searched for Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish but did not find any in the auction, there was not even a name on the sold listing.

Items that were sold were always listed on the sold listing with its price. It was provided to players as a reference for the market price, so that players would not fall victim to scams or mistakenly sell precious items at a low price.

Nocturne sighed a breath of relief, it seemed like no one had found this easter egg. Of course, there was also a possibility that someone had found it but decided to keep the easter egg to himself.

He then searched for more related information and found a prescription.

[Prescription: Fire Oil]

[Required Ingredients: Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish x 1]

[Requirement: Alchemy (50)]

He then expanded his search using the term Fire Oil and found another three prescriptions.

[Prescription: Elementary Precision Potion]

[Required Ingredients: Fire Oil x 1, Bruiseweed x 1, Crystal Bottle x 1]

[Usage: Increase Critical Rate by 5 points. 60 minutes duration. Battle Potion]

[Level: 10]

[Requirement: Alchemy (50)]

[Prescription: Elementary Fire Power Potion]

[Required Ingredients: Fire Oil x 1, Kingsblood x 1, Crystal Bottle x1]

[Usage: Increase Fire elemental spells by 5 points. 60 minutes duration. Battle Potion]

[Level: 12]

[Requirement: Alchemy (70)]

[Prescription: Elementary Fire Protection Potion]

[Required Ingredients: Fire Sack x 1, Fire Oil x 1, Crystal Bottle x 1][

Usage: Create a shield that absorbs 420 Fire damage. 2 minutes duration]

[Level: 15]

[Requirement: Alchemy (110)]

"Elementary Fire Protection Potion, I choose you!"

A shield that absorbed 420 Fire damage. If it was used at Level 15, the damage absorption would be equivalent to 2 to 3 heals from a healer.

He then searched for the other ingredient required for the Elementary Fire Protection Potion, Fire Sack. 

There were a lot on sale, it must be a common item.

It seemed like he was on a wealthy path. The amount he could earn would depend on how quickly other players discovered the easter egg in the dungeon, or other fishing masters managing to catch Fire Scale Fiery Tail Fish in the wild.

In order to keep the secret to himself, Nocturne ought to solo the first boss in the dungeon, but it would be quite demanding of his gear and techniques. He had to invest a lot in it.

At the current stage, exalted items and skills could fetch a good price and were high in demand. Most of them were taken by the strong guilds, which left Nocturne in a difficult position.

While Nocturne was figuring out a way to solve his awkward situation, the messaging app that was installed in the virtual gear rang.

Nocturne tapped on the notification and noticed a message from his friend, Fu Wei.