
When the meal was at its end, Nocturne called Fu Wei over to join the guild.

No items were needed when joining a guild, only gold. The fee however was rather pricey.

There were 400 plus members in Dreaming Back to Great Tang at the moment. A Level 1 guild had a 500 members limit and each level would increase the limit by 500. Some of the members were placed in sub-branches of the guild rather than everyone clumping into one big guild.

The moment the two of them joined the guild, they were welcomed by the passionate guild members through the guild channel.

"Newbie, pictures please."

"If you are a girl, three sizes please; if you are a guy, inches please."

"What the heck? Stop it you guys, all of you are being scary!"

"Image people! We have an image to maintain."

"Girls? I have great gear and outstanding skills, join my party and we can play together."

Nocturne turned a blind eye at all the chats, he then started to look at the guild window.

The guild window was filled with new content, like members, guild ranking, guild achievement, guild storage, guild points, etc.

There was also a function to label oneself in the guild, like Nocturne could label himself as a Protection Paladin, a Fisherman; Fu Wei got a label of an Alchemist.

The label function was convenient for others in case they were looking for help or party members to run dungeons.

There were a plethora of guild achievements available. Each unlocked achievement would reward everyone with an option to purchase rare items, like rare prescriptions, display pets, mounts, etc.

When Nocturne scrolled to the guild storage, he finally realized how powerful this guild was. The storage had all kinds of rare ingredients, materials and high level gear, he even noticed some purple herbs available.

"Okay, ArrogantSoul is free to move around or report to our first alchemist. He will give you some guild related alchemist quests, you can earn points from there as well."

Points were used to exchange for items from the guild storage. The stronger the guild, the rarer the items. It was one of the ways to attract powerful players.

"As for Nocturne, follow us to do some leveling after this. Your level is a little bit low for new dungeon exploration. Levels are the most important aspect of a game, gear comes after that."

"Okay." Nocturne was only Level 15 but everyone else in his party was already Level 18, which gave him immense pressure.

Fu Wei was drooling over the rare alchemy ingredients in the guild storage and after he heard what Beitang Meng said, he decided to earn some points for the prescription and ingredients. He had already forgotten about his friend.

Nocturne went offline for a meal before coming back online to level with Beitang Meng.

"This is the place." 

After a 20 minutes walk from the town, Beitang Meng and party arrived at a valley.

The party crossed the valley one after another and what welcomed them was a field of green blanketed with colorful flowers.

Giant trees in the field were covered in scarlet red flowers, all kinds of birds were singing around the valley. The scenery was pleasant to the eyes.

"This is a leveling spot discovered by one of our members. There's a monster called Fire Cloud Hornet here. They have low HP, Attack and Defense but appear in swarms. Their attacks have Poison and Fire elements, so the debuff is going to be troublesome. Which is also one of the reasons why other individual players don't camp here. This place is suitable for leveling," Beitang Meng explained.

"Where are the hornets then? I don't see them anywhere." Nocturne asked curiously because he saw nothing on the spacious field.

"You will find out soon. Come and get your Antidotes first. Nocturne, activate your Thorny Halo and Flame Purification Halo together," Beitang Meng said as she distributed the Antidote to everyone.

"Okay." Nocturne deactivated Medication Halo. Now, he had Vitality, Fortitude, Thorny and Flame Purification Halo on active.

"Okay. Rum, do us the honor will ya?" After giving out the Antidotes, Beitang Meng told Wind&Rum to engage.

"Okay. Be impressed with my strength!" Wind&Rum drank the Antidote and then swung her weapon at one of the giant trees, hitting something in the process.

A large swarm of hornets, the size of a human arm, flew out.

An Antidote could cure Poison at the current stage and protect one with Poison Immunity for a certain amount of time. Of course, even Antidotes had tiers, a low tier Antidote could only do so much to a high tier Poison effect.

[Fire Cloud Hornet] (Normal)

[Level: 16]

[HP: 900]

Wind&Rum moved backwards when the hornets appeared and quickly blocked her face with her shield. She also swung her sword in a barrage in front of her, slicing and dicing the hornets that came for her.

"Okay guys, time for some leveling." Beitang Meng commanded the party and started attacking.

"Hmm? Shouldn't I aggro the monsters?" Nocturne noticed Wind&Rum did not cast Provoke or do anything to attract the hornets' attention, so he asked.

"It's fine. She's the one who hit the beehive, so she's already the target."

"I see. Learned something new today."

Following everyone's furious attacks, the hornets were soon turned into a bunch of EXP. Even though a single hornet could only provide so much EXP, a large swarm of hornets could provide quite a considerable amount of EXP.

"Huh? Why is Nocturne the highest DPS in the party?" Meowmeow Tang asked.

"If you look closely, it's because of his Thorny Halo," Beitang Meng said.

"Hmph! I was the one who hit the beehive, why is he stealing all the credit!? It's not fair, I'm reporting this to the GM! I want to be the best DPS here!" Wind&Rum argued.

"Stop fooling around, it's time for you to hit the second beehive."

"What's the rush? If that's the case, Nocturne and I can split up to aggro the hornets. With Flame Puritication Halo's Fire Resistance, the healer can take care of us both at the same time. It will maximize our DPS ability."

"Mhmm, you're right. Go give it a try. Rum first, Nocturne will follow up."

"Nocturne, if you don't get healed in time, you better take a potion. You don't need to save it up, the guild will compensate you for every consumable you use during leveling."

Beitang Meng agreed to Wind&Rum's suggestion.


Then, the two tanks each went to a big tree with the healer standing in the center, forming a straight line between them.

Nocturne also got a closer look at the beehive on the tree. The beehive was on the tree trunk and it was only slightly redder than the rest of the tree.

"Here goes!" Wind&Rum started by swinging her sword at the trunk. She then ran as fast as she could to the healer.

When they were half done with the second swarm, Beitang Meng told Nocturne to hit his tree.

Thud! After a quick slash with his sword, Nocturne mimicked Wind&Rum by running back to the healer. 

The swarm of hornets were chasing him furiously because he destroyed their hive.

Nocturne realized it was difficult to block the hornets because of their size, no wonder Wind&Rum blocked only her face.

He also realized the healer was able to heal both of them together, given the tanks had to take potions from time to time.

If Nocturne had a healing skill, the leveling would be easier.

Then, the group continued leveling with two tanks pulling the hornets back and forth.

The EXP they received surged.