Blazing Valley First Blood

On the second day, the party was fully rested and was ready to take on the dungeon again. 

Everyone gathered extra early for the dungeon run.

The first run of the day, the party was wiped out when the boss had 4% HP left.

The second time, 2%.

The third and the last, the party finally killed the third boss.

[Acquired: Burning Chest Plate, Firefly Robe, Chitinous Bracers, Skill Book: Flash of Light, Skill Book: Pyroblast, Volcanic Leather, Small Talent Stone x 20]

Three exalted blue gear and two skill books, as expected of a sudden death boss.

"Woohoo! We made it!" Meowmeow Tang happily got the loot and then nuzzled her panther, she even gave her panther a piece of meat.

"It's a harvest! Judging from the drop rate, I think this should be First Blood," Wind&Rum said after checking the loot.

"Yeah, two skill books, it's certainly First Blood," ILikeDPS said.

"It's everyone's effort that brought us here, so let's distribute the loot," Beitang Meng said with a smile and thanked her party before splitting the loot.

The Burning Chest Plate, as its name suggested, was a chest plate but it was not as good as Wind&Rum's own gear.

The skill book, Flash of Light, was given to Nocturne, while Beitang Meng got the Chitinous Bracers for herself.

As for the Firefly Robe, Pyroblast and the crafting materials, Beitang Meng kept them since they were much more suitable for an Elemental Mage.

[Burning Chest Plate] (Refined)

[Chest Plate]

[68 armor]

[+6 Strength]

[+10 Stamina]

[+5 Fire Resistance]

[Special Effect: Has a certain chance to decrease 60 Fire damage]

[Requirement: Level 17]

[Skill Book: Flash of Light] (Paladin)

[Flash of Light]

[1.5 second(s) channeling]

[Consume a portion of your Mana to heal an ally for (All stats x (1 x Skill Level x 0.1))]

[Requirement: Level 15]

"The timing of this skill book is great. I was still worrying about the lack of healing during the last boss fight."

"Yeah, the boss' Ground Rupture is a pain. My healing channeling was interrupted and it was so irritating! When the boss goes into Fury mode, if I can't heal in time, the tank will surely die," ILikeDPS ridiculed.

"Okay then, regroup. There's one last boss ahead of us. Let's try to get it today."

After a quick rest, the party arrived at the last boss. 

As usual, Wind&Rum took the lead by engaging the boss before the others joined her.

The fight went on smoothly until the boss' HP dropped to 70% because all they needed to do was be aware of the attacks and dodge it in time. The boss' damage was not that high.

However, when the boss' HP reached 30%, Wind&Rum's lost her HP like a deflated balloon. Nocturne was forced to take her place and rotate out once she got better.

At the last 5%, the boss' Fury mode overlapped twice and made it even more ferocious, it was like a crazy hound chasing its prey. A few attacks from the boss and the tanks would lose HP quickly.

It was Nocturne's turn to tank the boss and he was unfortunate enough because ILikeDPS was knocked back by the boss' skill, interrupting his healing. Nocturne died on the spot.

With one tank going down, Wind&Rum could barely hold on.

The party was wiped out and the boss had 5% HP left.

During the second run, the party failed at 5% again because the tanks used Provoke too frequently at the start, which built the boss' resistance against the skill. Both Wind&Rum and Nocturne's Provoke failed continuously, causing ILikeDPS to miss the healing.

The party was wiped out again at 5% HP.

The third run, 5% HP.

The fourth run, 4% HP.

The fifth run, 5% HP.

The party ran the dungeon for the entire morning and was wiped out countless times. Due to their frequent deaths, they had to repair their gear multiple times.

When it was almost dark in the game, Beitang Meng called it a day.

The few of them talked it over and decided to play some games at the tavern to relax themselves. They had been trying for an entire morning after all, even if they could not be physically tired, they were mentally exhausted.

The party went to the tavern after returning to the town. They drank and chatted while playing games, it was fun and lively for the few of them.

Beitang Meng excused herself for a while and when she returned, she had a skill book for Nocturne.

"Here, someone in the guild got this in the morning. Learn it."

"Huh? This skill book… if I remember correctly, it's quite expensive. You are just going to give it to me?"

"Yeah, take it as a compensation for getting the Flame Purification Halo instead of getting what you wanted last time, and also emptying out your guild points."

"Okay then. Thank you, guild master," Nocturne thanked her with a smile and learned the skill.

[Skill Book: Justice Shield] (Protection Paladin)

[Justice Shield]

[Instant Cast (Cooldown 8 seconds)]

[Bash your enemy with your shield, causing (Strength x 0.3) x (1 x Skill level x 0.1) Holy damage. Increase your armor by (Stamina x (1 + Skill Level x 0.05)) for 5 seconds.]

[Requirement: Level 15]

After dinner, it was morning in the game and the few of them had rested up. They decided to continue the dungeon run.

This time, with the little armor buff from Justice Shield, Nocturne could tank a little longer and decreased the usage of Provoke, they did not have to worry about the boss being immune to Provoke anymore.

When the boss interrupted the healer's healing at 5% HP, Nocturne was able to stand in as a temporary healer but only for a while. If ILikeDPS was frequently interrupted, Nocturne's Mana would not be enough to cover it all.

Fortunately, it was not a serious problem, they could make it with a little bit of luck.

As expected, at the third rerun, the boss showed mercy and did not interrupt ILikeDPS' healing, so the boss fight finally ended with the party's victory.

[Congratulations Dreaming Back to Great Tang clearing Level 15 Blazing Valley dungeon at sudden death mode with the lead of Beitang Meng.]

[Player Beitang Meng, Wind&Rum, Nocturne, Meowmeow Tang, ILikeDPS acquired 10,000 EXP, 10 Gold, 1,000 reputation with all Castellans]

"Woohoo! We finally made it!" Everyone cheered when they saw their names on the First Blood achievement ranking.

[Acquired: Bloodcursed Felblade, Gordoth's Crushers, Belt of Boundless Fury, Gorewalker Treads, Skill Book: Enrage, Skill Book: Lightning Strike, Small Talent Stone x 30]

Bloodcursed Felblade was a one-handed sword, its effect was it had a certain chance to lower the target's attack.

Belt of Boundless Fury was a plate belt, its effect was it could increase Rage, which was a Warrior's unique combat system.

Both items were given to Wind&Rum.

Gorewalker Treads were plate boots and it was given to Nocturne.

Gordoth's Crushers was a mail gauntlet and it was given to Meowmeow Tang.

As for the two skill books, Engaged and Lightning Strike, Wind&Rum already learned them so they were kept by Beitang Meng.

[Gorewalker Treads] (Refined)

[Plated boots]

[+5 Strength]

[+9 Stamina]

[+3 to all stats]

[Special Effect: Increase movement speed by 5]

[Requirement: Level 19]

"Okay guys, thank you for your hard work in the past two days. Let's disband here and take some time off."

Beitang Meng sounded a lot more relaxed after getting First Blood, she disbanded the party and gave everyone time to rest.

After going back to town, Nocturne sighed a breath of relief. Getting First Blood from sudden death mode was exhausting, they died countless times and they were on the brink of giving up.

He decided to take a rest in the next two days.

It was getting late so he decided to sleep early today. He wanted to find a new fishing spot and relax tomorrow.