The Reason To Win (3)


The punch of a sure kill smashed down, and the smoke and dust dispersed...

The audience was still completely silent.

Only the female examiner was the first to react, and she hurriedly rushed into the smoke.

After the smoke and dust settled, the audience finally saw what was happening inside.

They saw Zhao Mucha's angry fists actually being blocked by Bahuang Yao...

It turned out that Bahuang Yao had used her elbows to block the ground, and her arms were together, forming a stable triangle that blocked the fatal blow.

But as a price, her left wrist was twisted just like her right wrist...


Zhao Mucha's pupils contracted, and his trembling arms continued to increase their strength, but no matter what, he could not suppress Bahuang Yao's arms. "How can you block..."


Bahuang Yao coughed out a mouthful of blood in pain, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.