I Can Endure the Darkness (1)

Afternoon, four o'clock sharp.

Qingcheng City College Entrance Examination Stadium.

Chen Yu and Bahuang Yao walked onto the stage together and looked at each other.

The referee for this match was still the Chief Examiner. After repeatedly confirming that neither side had any request to delay the match, he announced the start.

"I really didn't expect that my opponent for the finals would be you." Chen Yu spread his hands. "Your performance today completely broke my impression of you last night."

"I've thought of it."

Bahuang Yao took off her shoes. Her pair of thin but scarred feet stepped on the cold bricks. Her eyes were bright. "My brother was just as strong as you during the College Entrance Exam."

"Your brother's appearance rate is really high. I'll definitely try it when I get the chance." Chen Yu raised his eyebrows. "Let's see whose top scorer is more valuable."