Elite Class (2)

After returning from school, Chen Yu greeted his mother, who was watching TV, and went into the second bedroom.

He saw Chen Siwen sitting cross-legged on the clean bed sheet.

Waves of energy waves spread out from her body...

Ever since he gave his sister an injection, Chen Yu had been staying at home.

That was because he had to keep an eye on Chen Siwen's health at all times, just in case.

"Xiao Yu, you're back."

Perhaps she heard the sound of the door opening, Chen Siwen stopped the circulation of her Qi and slowly opened her eyes. "Have you assigned the classes? How are the teammates?"

"No." Chen Yu waved his hand. "Today's opening ceremony is to assign the regular classes. I'm from the elite class. They'll notify me later."

"Oh." Chen Siwen didn't quite understand.

She had never been to university, so she didn't understand the rules.

"How are you? Has your dantian fully recovered?"