Target: Custom Shop

As the sound of footsteps approached, a slender figure appeared in front of Chen Yu.

When the two of them saw each other at the same time, they were both stunned.

"It's you?"

"Bahuang Yao..."

"Chen Yu..."

"Why is it you?"

"...You go first."

Chen Yu:"..."

Bahuang Yao: "..."

Beside him, Duan Ye looked around suspiciously. "Brother Yu, this young lady... I remember that she's the contestant who competed with you in the finals, right?"

"...Right." Chen Yu nodded and took a step forward, carefully sizing up the young lady. "You actually entered Beijing University."

"Yeah. It was arranged by my family."

"How's your recovery going?"

"80 - 90% recovered." Bahuang Yao bowed slightly. "I definitely won't drag everyone down."