An Unsolvable Contradiction

Boom... Boom... Boom...

As the engine operated at full power, the passenger plane slowly rose into the air and spun away from the messy city.

Around the passenger plane were four fighter planes equipped with air-to-air missiles. They were responsible for the protection of the entire flight.

In the cabin of the passenger plane, including Chen Yu, every student of Beijing University carried a thick set of parachutes. This was to ensure that even if the plane was attacked by the exotic beasts, the passengers would still have a chance to escape.

Not long after, the passenger plane completed its climb and entered a stable cruising phase.

Chen Yu immediately poked Bahuabg Yao beside him. "Yao'er, can you change your seat? I'm carsick."

The young girl by the window was stunned. She glanced at the scenery outside the window reluctantly, but still obediently changed her seat.

"It's comfortable."