The Little Heifer Exploded


The shadow of the sharp sword flashed and disappeared.

The Level 2 exotic beast was instantly killed by a clean slash.


The exotic beast, which was more than ten meters long, fell to the ground with a bang.

Chen Yu was still burning with his surging energy. He held the girl in his left hand and the sword in his right hand. He turned around elegantly, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Are you guys okay?"

"Brother Yu..." Bahuang Yao was stunned for a long time. She hurriedly wiped the corners of her eyes. "Why did you come out so late? You..."

Before she could finish his sentence, Duan Ye suddenly said, "Look! What is that thing?! It's swaying?"

Bahuang Yao subconsciously looked down, and her originally pale face instantly turned red. "Ah..."

"?" Chen Yu also came back to his senses and looked down. "...F*ck!"