New Security Officer

The news of the possible manipulation of the Beast Tide by Beijing University spread like wildfire across the entire Internet.

The commotion it caused was far more intense than expected.

Under the apocalypse, sacrificing one city to protect another completely touched people's bottom line.

Yesterday, they could sacrifice He City.

Then today, could they sacrifice half of the country for the capital?

Especially when people learned that the mastermind might be Beijing University, their irrepressible anger instantly swelled to the extreme.

The reputation of Beijing University plummeted.

The matter of the Qingcheng Beast Tide being changed by someone, the consequences were actually very bad.

Because during the Beast Tide, He City and Qingcheng were neighbors. In order to quickly take over the retreating minors in Qingcheng City, He City had already exhausted all of its transport forces.