Bloody Elimination (2)

"Year 1, Class 2?"

"Year 1, Class 2, did you hear that?"

On the stage in the middle of the stadium, the host looked at the exit and repeated repeatedly, "Year 1, Class 2, Chen Yu, Duan Ye, and Bahuang Yao, please come on stage as soon as possible. Don't waste time."

"The higher-ups are getting anxious." Duan Ye urged, "Hurry up!"

"It's mainly you. Your balance is too f*cking bad. How do you usually walk?"

"How do I walk? I walk on my third leg!"

"What a waste..." Chen Yu sighed. "How about this? I'll count to one. We'll both walk on our left leg at the same time. On two, we'll walk on our right leg at the same time."

"Okay, okay, okay. Hurry up, hurry up..."

"Okay, one, two, one, two..."

Bahuang Yao: "..."

Under Chen Yu's command, the two people who were 'pierced' by the magic staff could finally move forward smoothly.

"One, two, one, two, one..."