Owe Son (1)


The air blast blew up the dirt, and Chen Yu rushed toward the three of them like chasing after the stars and the moon.

"Bah, so it's a Level 1 martial artist. Why are you acting like a big-tailed wolf... No, this speed..."


Before he could finish his words, Chen Yu appeared in the air and appeared behind the three of them. He placed his long sword on the leader's neck. "If you dare to move, I dare to kill you."

"Burp..." The leader's body suddenly stiffened. "You can't be a Level 1..."

"No matter what level I am, I will only ask one question. Are you going to surrender?"

As he spoke, the sharp blade of his sword cut a bloody wound on the leader's neck.

"...I surrender." The leader glanced at the camera in the distance and admitted his defeat rationally.

"Give me the beads."

"They're... all here."