Battle Beast Tide (3)

The sudden Beast Tide dealt a heavy blow to all the 'uninformed'.

Especially the students who had come from afar, as well as the accompanying professors, managers, and researchers, there were a total of more than 10,000 people.

Among these people, the dumb ones still wanted to escape through various means.

The smart ones could tell at a glance that they had fallen into a trap...

From the moment they stepped into the capital, their lives were deeply bound to this city...

"Brother Yu, there are so many dead people..."

At the end of the 'Capital Battle Team', Bahuang Yao nervously gripped the corner of Chen Yu's clothes.

On the main road that used to be filled with people and vehicles, there were many armed soldiers standing.

Lying on the ground were corpses lying in a pool of blood.

The number of corpses was actually not less than the number of living people...