Battle Beast Tide (10)


"It seems to be looking at me."

Upon hearing Chen Yu's words, Gou Sheng's body stiffened, and he slowly turned his head.

As expected!

He saw that huge creature that was over a few hundred meters long staring at the two of them without blinking with its huge red eyes...

The violence, ferocity, and hatred in its eyes... seemed to be real.

"Why... why is it looking at you?" Gou Sheng's voice trembled.

"...Stupid mortal."

Chen Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly sneered, "Why is it looking at me? Isn't it obvious?"


"Use your brain and use your rational thinking to do a good calculation." Chen Yu stretched out his index finger and pointed at his head. "Since it's looking at me and not looking at others, it means that I'm different from others."

"...Makes sense." Gou Sheng nodded solemnly.

"Then, what's the difference?" Chen Yu spread out his hands.