

"He killed someone!"

The passengers on the bus who witnessed this scene were taken aback for a moment, and then several timid girls screamed hysterically, shaking people's eardrums.

Lu Chuan, who secretly instructed Uncle Zombie, was stunned.

The young pickpocket was even more stunned.

"No… it was an accident… I never wanted to kill him… I just wanted to scare him, who knew he wouldn't dodge."

The pickpocket's face paled. He shivered with fright and spoke incoherently.

Pickpocketing and murder were completely different crimes. The former had a maximum penalty of three years, but the latter… Moreover, the incident happened on the bus. It seemed like a definite death penalty.

The pickpocket felt his legs weaken and he almost fell to the ground.

If possible, he would rather not touch this trade again, earnestly find a decent job, get married, and have children.

It's a pity that wasn't an option.

He glanced down at the dagger aimed at the heart; it was a fatal injury.

Due to the crowd, the bus driver hadn't been able to assess the chaos but the scream and the cry of "He killed someone!" made his heart shake, and he stopped the bus immediately.

It was a sudden brake. The unsuspecting crowd swayed with the vehicle.

Uncle Zombie's sense of balance was worse than a human's and he fell straight onto the floor of the bus. His hand still had a death grip on the pickpocket's wrist, pulling him down as well.

Lu Chuan's mind was also a little blank. He hadn't expected such an outcome either. Uncle Zombie was linked to him. In other circumstances, people might have ignored him, but the zombie was undead and wouldn't withstand an investigation.

Lu Chuan didn't mind being dragged into the incident; he was more concerned about Uncle Zombie's identity.

If the disguiser program failed because of Uncle Zombie's death, and his real appearance was exposed, it would be bad.


When Lu Chuan's gaze fell on Uncle Zombie, he was suddenly overjoyed.


Several police officers arrived shortly after the report was made.

They had to prioritize a homicide case.

"Make way."

The bus had pulled over and parked on the side of the road a long time ago. After the police arrived, passengers moved aside to give them room.

Uncle Zombie still had a death grip on the pickpocket's wrist. While the police were arriving, the pickpocket struggled desperately but wasn't able to free himself from Uncle Zombie.

The moment he saw the police officers, his face went as gray as death.

The police officers saw the dagger stuck deep into Uncle Zombie's heart, all the way to the hilt. Based on their experience, there was a 100% death rate for someone struck with such a fatal injury, and it would be an immediate death.

It was indeed a homicide.

At this moment, Lu Chuan broke into a knowing smile. Once the police arrived, this matter could be resolved.

Lu Chuan realized he could communicate with Uncle Zombie telepathically and could give instructions to him just by thinking. This was awesome.

Several policemen surrounded the scene.

As a policeman squatted down and prepared to do a routine check on Uncle Zombie in accordance with normal procedures, Lu Chuan knew it was time.

Uncle Zombie, who had kept his eyes closed and didn't even breathe, suddenly opened his eyes. He let go of the pickpocket's wrist and got up.


The act of imitating a corpse scared the onlookers. If it weren't still bright and sunny, they would definitely have screamed in fright.

A myriad of emotions flashed past the pickpocket's face—relief, joy, a lot of fear, and finally, he was dumbfounded. He looked at Uncle Zombie blankly, his heart a mess.

Even the police officers were dumbfounded. It was a slap on the face as they had just concluded the man to be 100% dead, but now, he just stood up?

Uncle Zombie stood up straight like a rod. There wasn't any expression on his face and his eyes were hollow.

He seemed like a fool.

"Haha, don't be afraid. He's my uncle and followed me from the countryside." Lu Chuan had to stand up to avoid any issues with the police's interrogation.

Lu Chuan pointed to his head and said, "My uncle has a little problem here, but he is one of the best magicians in the countryside. He performed a small magic trick just now. Otherwise, how could he have taught the pickpocket a profound lesson?"

The magician identity would explain why he was alive after receiving such a chest injury.

Magic has always been mystical and unfathomable.

If there was a problem with his head, Lu Chuan could handle the police officer's interrogations on the zombie's behalf. That would cover up any abnormal behavior that Uncle Zombie showed.

In order to win the trust of others, Lu Chuan walked in front of Uncle Zombie. He held the dagger, pulled it out sharply, and said, "Look, there isn't any blood."

Lu Chuan shook the raised dagger and plunged it deep into Uncle Zombie's heart, all the way to the hilt.

"My uncle's skills are among the best in the countryside."

Lu Chuan pulled it out and stabbed Uncle Zombie again.

And again…


The passengers were stunned, staring at Lu Chuan with dumbfounded expressions as he stabbed over and over again. The rigid Uncle Zombie's clothes were torn, but he was still standing, showing a silly smile occasionally.

It was an absolutely incredible magic trick. It looked so real, the dagger cold and shiny. He was the real deal.

This time, they believed him.

Lu Chuan had been on edge the entire time. Fortunately, Uncle Zombie had indeed inherited all the special traits of a zombie, including an immortal body, just as he had imagined. As long as his brain wasn't blown to pieces, he would live.

It didn't matter if his little heart was stabbed. Even if his heart was torn out, Uncle Zombie would still be alive and kicking.


"Sir, even though it may be a magic trick, you shouldn't do it so often. It's too dangerous and might be imitated by people who don't know the truth."

At the entrance of the Public Security Bureau, a policeman spoke to Lu Chuan in a persuasive tone.

Everything was done in accordance with the normal procedure. Lu Chuan and Uncle Zombie entered the Public Security Bureau to give a statement before leaving.

The police officer escorting Lu Chuan and Uncle Zombie out couldn't help giving them a reminder; perhaps he felt that the trick was too dangerous. Truly, using a real dagger for a magic trick seemed dangerous from all aspects.

Everyone knew that the stab was fake, but the uncle-nephew pair were so convincing, it looked as though someone really got stabbed.

If anyone else decided to give it a try, the image would be just wonderful…

Lu Chuan offered a smile. "Sir, don't worry. We would be sure to hang a 'Do not imitate' sign if there are such performances."


The police officer shook his head and waved his hand for Lu Chuan to leave.

It wasn't real and was just a magic trick. It was a skill, after all, and wasn't against the law, so it wasn't under his purview.

At the entrance of the Public Security Bureau, Lu Chuan generously waved for a cab.

As he glanced at the growing distance between them and the Public Security Bureau entrance, Lu Chuan sighed heavily. Ever since the bus, Lu Chuan's heart had been clenched, but now, he could finally be at ease.

Uncle Zombie was definitely a time bomb. Lu Chuan had been worried that the police officers would give Uncle Zombie a medical examination, which would have been troublesome.

Fortunately, everything went as planned.

"What a loss. I don't see them regarding us well, even a pennant would have been good." Lu Chuan suddenly felt that the Public Security Bureau was too stingy. It had been an act of courage; why didn't they show any appreciation?

The place Lu Chuan rented was in an old residential area.

In the old residential area, the houses were a bit dilapidated, but the environment was very good. In summer, it was always filled with luscious green trees, providing a cooling effect.

Throwing his backpack on his little bed, Lu Chuan issued a command. Uncle Zombie sat upright on the only chair beside the bed and maintained the same expression.


Facing a wooden Uncle Zombie, Lu Chuan finally understood why he was called rigid.

"Now let's understand what happened today."

Lu Chuan walked before Uncle Zombie. His shirt was already torn and his skin was exposed. It was sickly pale. The disguiser program was very powerful; Uncle Zombie's appearance wasn't any different from an ordinary human.

The spot where the dagger stabbed didn't even bear a scar. It was really magical.

"I now have a zombie attendant who is immortal."

"Also, I have a zombie factory. I'm the boss of a factory."

"I can travel forward to the time of the apocalypse, and can travel back to modern times."

After straightening his thoughts a little bit, Lu Chuan realized he had unbelievable luck.