
At daybreak, Lu Chuan stood on the second floor of the biochemical plant, bursting with energy.

Lu Chuan pulled an all-nighter but there wasn't a trace of exhaustion under his excitement. After researching the entire night, Lu Chuan urgently needed to start the operations for the biochemical plant.

He climbed onto the second floor carefully, trying not to make any noise.

Zombies were extremely sensitive to noise and smell.

Lu Chuan could ignore the zombies out on the street in the distance, but the construction worker zombies in the construction site might spot him and launch an attack.

For the first time, Lu Chuan carefully scrutinized the surroundings.

He was surrounded by high-rise buildings in the center of a super large city. The city center was naturally the office location of countless companies. It was commercially developed.

Only the first floor of the biochemical plant was used as a factory.

The other floors were all empty frame structures.

As a building under construction, it was not an exaggeration to call it a construction site.

"This company must be powerful. This is the heart of the city, it wouldn't have been possible to buy such a huge plot of land without a few billion yuan. Plus, there were additional compensations…"

Looking around the huge construction site, Lu Chuan sighed.

This land was worth more than a billion, and the building definitely wasn't small. How much was invested? This wouldn't have been possible without ten to twenty billion.

Unfortunately, everything turned to ashes during the apocalypse.

How did the biochemical plant choose this location? Indirectly, everything here belonged to Lu Chuan.

In modern times, Lu Chuan's status would instantly elevate just by owning this. He would've been a pivotal figure in any city.

Lu Chuan's aim was the steel bars scattered about.


Haste would ruin everything.

Lu Chuan collected hundreds of steel bars of varying lengths that were a good fit in his hand. He then returned to the modern times for a rest.

He had been stressed for a long time and needed to relax.

After a nap, it was noon.

He left Uncle Zombie in the rented apartment before rushing out.

As the supervisor of a renovation company, Lu Chuan was familiar with building materials and the area. He took a taxi to the building materials market, where there was reinforced concrete for sale.

"Brother Lin, help me cut ten pieces of 25mm rebar by 40cm and another 10 pieces by 50cm."

The steel shop was called Steel World.

Lu Chuan worked here as a supervisor for a year, and had bought a lot of steel bars here. The frequent visits made him familiar to the people here.

A sturdy man about 30 years old took off his shirt, revealing his bronzed muscles. These muscles bulged and had explosive strength.

Lin Yang was an honest man. He flashed a silly smile and said, "Sure."

In just a minute, the twenty rebars were cut according to Lu Chuan's requirements.

"Brother Lin, could you sharpen them?" After seeing the finished products, Lu Chuan pointed to some rebar.

Lin Yang didn't question him; he nodded and cut them again, sharpening the rebars.

Everything was done within half an hour.

After paying, Lu Chuan carried the twenty rebars and went straight to a neighborhood he had worked in before. There was a large wasteland behind the neighborhood where he could train.

He couldn't be rash if he wanted to increase his chances of success.

The survivors didn't have much time to train.

But he was different, he could travel between the two periods and had all the time in the world to train and increase his hit rate.

When he arrived at the wasteland, Lu Chuan stacked a dozen bricks, and then climbed up the fence to stand on it.

"It's about five meters here, the height should be about the same." Lu Chuan measured the height, looked at the bricks below, and grinned.

That's right, Lu Chuan wanted to use rebar as a javelin.

Lu Chuan made use of his modern advantages to practice his aim, to avoid being confused in the face of the zombies. With a higher accuracy, he could end a fight quickly.

Lu Chuan took out a 50cm length of rebar. As long as the sharpened rebar was shot precisely, it could easily penetrate a brain.


Lu Chuan took a deep breath. His arm shot out forcefully, throwing the rebar fiercely.


The rebar stabbed into the soil, only a fist away from the brick Lu Chuan had placed.


Lu Chuan chose the second floor to be safe.

He could throw with more power on the second floor, and it would be much faster to retreat to the biochemical plant from here.

Lu Chuan hid behind a huge column on the second floor, with around twenty sharpened rebars under his feet. The rebars were rusty, but the polished area had a chilling glow.

Lu Chuan spent an entire day polishing the twenty rebars.

In addition, there was a rebar over three meters long, which could be used as a steel gun.

After checking his route back to the biochemical plant and confirming that there were no obstructions, Lu Chuan carried the twenty rebars and walked to the edge of the second floor.

Lu Chuan's heart trembled with every step. He shivered.

It wasn't easy for a modern man who never experienced such ordeals to muster up the courage to face these terrifying zombies.

Lu Chuan stood at the edge and looked ahead. The zombie cluster that congregated outside the construction site was still there.

Below, scattered zombies were wandering around.


"Calm down, it'll work."

Lu Chuan placed the rebars by his feet, took two, and held one in each of his hands.

Lu Chuan's face was a little pale from fear. After all, he was just a small figure in modern civilization. However, when he was faced with the opportunity to change his life, he had to bite the bullet and make a decision


The rebars in his left and right hands collided with each other, making a metallic noise.

It wasn't loud, but Lu Chuan noticed that the zombies wandering below had instantly turned to face him.

On the street outside the construction site, a large group of zombies that were originally wandering suddenly fell silent.

They noticed Lu Chuan on the second floor.

This was the tranquility before the storm.

Lu Chuan resisted the urge to escape, and the fingers holding the rebar turned white from the force of his grip.


With a short and fast sound, the dead silence was awakened. Lu Chuan saw dozens of zombies that had been wandering the construction site running toward him. In the construction site that was covered with building materials, zombies crawled from hiding spots one after another.

In just a few breaths, the zombies in the construction site grew from dozens to hundreds.

Before the apocalypse, this was a construction site with more than a thousand construction workers.

Lu Chuan's expression changed again. He never expected the crisis in the apocalypse to be so great. Who would have thought that zombies existed in such a way? If someone was bold enough to think that he could take on a dozen zombies and rush to the construction site… a year on, it would be his death anniversary.

The zombies had an ordinary sense of balance, and they seemed to be stumbling when they ran.

They were slightly slower than a normal person, but their endurance was akin to a tireless machine, sending one into despair.

Lu Chuan made himself stand firm, not taking a step back.

A little farther away, the group of zombies that heard the noise went crazy, and they rushed in from the broken gates of the construction site. There were so many of them it was hard to keep count.

Huge numbers of people would seem limitless. Look at the morning exercise in school when two to three thousand students stood apart: it was a spectacular sight.

The zombies in the construction site near Lu Chuan were the first to arrive before him.

Because of the biochemical plant, the first floor of the building was completely enclosed with alloy; it wasn't something these ordinary zombies could break through.

The zombies made vicious dog-like noises, waving their claws and baring their teeth at Lu Chuan.

In just a short while, dozens of zombies gathered below.

The height of five meters didn't seem like much.

For the first time, Lu Chuan observed the zombies up close. For five years, these clothes were draped on them like rags, withstanding the weather. Through the holes, he could see the tumbling rotten flesh, which was stuck to the clothes.

Dozens of zombies crowded together, and a rotting stench filled the air. It was nauseating.

"A quick match."

Lu Chuan knew that he only had two to three minutes.

When the thousands of zombies in the distance came over, they would stack on top each other, overcoming the five meters of height.


Courage surged in his heart, causing Lu Chuan's muscles to tighten, bursting into a powerful strength as he raised his arm and swung down fiercely. He threw the rebar javelin.

Subtracting a zombie's height of about 1.7m to 1.8m, that left only a distance of three meters between them. The zombies were standing at Lu Chuan's feet with their heads raised, hence, it wasn't hard to strike them.


The first rebar hit the target, a slightly plump middle-aged zombie. Its fat, bald head was penetrated by a rebar javelin. The rotten flesh lost its toughness, which made the rebar javelin more powerful. At least 20cm of the 50cm length slid through its head.

The middle-aged zombie grinned and waved its arms; it seemed exhausted as it disappeared into the group of zombies.

Penetrating its head had cut off its central nervous system, which was another way to kill zombies.

Without hesitation, the rebar javelin in his left hand was passed over to his right. Lu Chuan threw it hard.

The group of zombies rushing toward him were less than fifty meters away.

"There's not enough time."

Without looking at the outcome, Lu Chuan quickly bent over and took three rebar javelins in his hands, throwing them down one by one.

A woman zombie raised her head, and was met with an incoming black shadow. After a few seconds, the rebar pierced through one of her eyes and penetrated her brain.

The sharp rebar, its own weight, and Lu Chuan's strength pierced through the plastic helmet and into the head of a construction worker zombie.

The dozens of rebar javelins had a high kill rate, but those that penetrated their brains did less than imagined.

"Ding, zombie fragment collection complete. Level-one product print is unlocked."

When Lu Chuan heard this sound in his mind, there were only three rebar javelins left.

At this moment, the group of zombies that were fifty meters away had arrived. They were crazy, pouncing at Lu Chuan desperately. One after another, they piled on each other, and in a matter of seconds, they were almost at the second floor.


Lu Chuan turned and ran manically.

When Lu Chuan rushed into the elevator, the first zombie had just climbed onto the second floor.