Two Parallel Lines

Lu Chuan made Zombie 03 enter a "lurking" state after arriving at the building.

All zombies had a chance of having a lurking state.

Lurking isn't a skill, but rather an instinct. Some zombies would play dead when they were not moving. They would fall to the ground or lie in a corner, completely still.

Only when there were sounds, or the smell of life, would they awaken.

The crises in the apocalypse were mainly caused by this type of zombie.

Think about it, there wasn't any crisis in the empty streets.

But when you set foot on this street, in the trash can, under the car, inside the car… in the rows of shops, or in each room, zombies could come gushing out, forming a sea of dead corpses.

Zombie 01 and Zombie 02 didn't have the ability. They could only wander around, working like a tireless machine.

But Zombie 03 had it.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, Zombie 03 lay down on the staircase.

There were many benefits to lurking. For instance, 03 could hide from survivors and stronger zombies such as Lickers and Tyrants. Ordinary zombies were insignificant in front of those zombies.

It costs 100,000 to manufacture a zombie. Lu Chuan didn't want to foolishly get his zombies killed by a more powerful one.

The main reason he got Zombie 03 to lurk was because it was nighttime, and with a zombie's vision, there was practically nothing to be done.


Lu Chuan returned to the rented apartment and when he saw the house full of zombies, he no longer felt sleepy.

It had been three days since the biochemical plant appeared. Lu Chuan accepted all of this, but he couldn't accept a house full of zombies when he slept.

It was fine with just Uncle Zombie, but now there were five of them.

"We will go house-hunting tomorrow."

Lu Chuan checked his watch, and the hands pointed to ten-thirty.

With the lights on in the room, Lu Chuan leaned on the bed and looked at a poster on the headboard.

An elegant female celebrity stood with a faint smile that resembled a rose in full bloom and a beautiful and alluring face, her eyes pulling heartstrings.

It was a pity she was only famous for two to three years before gradually becoming a half-expired celebrity.

The lack of film offers and opportunities to attend programs, and more importantly, the lack of songs that could make her popular again, caused her to retreat from the first tier to the second tier.

Now there was even a possibility of retreating to the third tier, which meant a bleak future.

Without a lucky break, if her company didn't spend resources on her again, she would silently disappear into the crowd like thousands of fading celebrities. Occasionally, there would be some news about her in smaller newspapers.

"She insisted on relying on talent when she could easily depend on her face."

She had a perfect face, and was known as the most beautiful celebrity. As long as she was willing, she could become popular again with various exposures and scandals. It was a pity that she had a firm bottom line. It wasn't just the lack of scandals, she was usually dressed in conservative outfits that didn't expose even the slightest hint of skin.

A beauty of her level could easily marry into a wealthy family if she was willing. She didn't have to live such a hard life.

The reason Lu Chuan paid attention to her wasn't just because she was beautiful, but because they had an encounter that only the two of them knew about.

That wrong yet coincidental encounter had brought two strangers from different worlds together.

In that encounter, they didn't just meet each other, they had also mistakenly slept together.

Her name was Ye Lingwei.

Lu Chuan unlocked his phone and entered her name on Bai Niang. The entire page was filled with her news but these were all from smaller media companies, with some dating a few months back.

Only some of the latest news mentioned that she was currently preparing a new album and was working hard to record it.

"According to internal sources, Ye Lingwei's new album is of average quality without the company's investments. It may be difficult to take on the task of bringing her back to glory."

"Ye Lingwei's number of assistants was reduced again, and the record company removed the last personal assistant. This is the next reduction after her agent was changed. Based on the current treatment, Ye Lingwei has fallen to the level of a third-tier celebrity. Once the contract is over, Ye Lingwei may no longer enjoy a first-tier celebrity's contract."

"Star Entertainment reported that when Ye Lingwei and her agent showed up at Handong Airport yesterday, she didn't have an assistant with her. In addition to the agent's many bags, Ye Lingwei also had to help drag the luggage."

All the pieces of news showed that Ye Lingwei was indeed in a bad state.

Not to mention the new album. She must definitely be under a lot of pressure.

Lu Chuan threw the phone on the bed and lay down. He felt complicated when it came to her. As her first man, Lu Chuan wanted to hold her in his arms, comfort the stubborn woman, and help her out of her predicament.

It was a pity he was just the supervisor of a small renovation company with a salary of 3,000 yuan. How could he help?

Fortunately, the appearance of a biochemical plant in the apocalypse made him realize he could finally be capable enough to help her.


The biochemical plant just started, it wasn't time to help her yet.

During this period, Lu Chuan wouldn't be able to help even though he wanted to.

Lu Chuan knew of her character: she would never allow him to help her. In her eyes, he was just a mistake and after that wrong encounter, they would return to being two parallel lines that never intersect.

Since that encounter, they had each other's phone numbers, but Lu Chuan never dared to call and she would never call.

Remembering Ye Lingwei's threat, Lu Chuan laughed bitterly.

If she had met a scumbag, Ye Lingwei would be in a lot of trouble. It would definitely be a double loss, her body and her money.

"I should be thinking about my own problems."

Even back in modern times, the bright red alert was still in his mind. Before this crisis was resolved, this alert would probably always be with him.

For these ten days, Lu Chuan would go all out.

This time, the crisis was full of unknowns.

Would there be zombies one level higher?

How many zombies would there be?

Would the zombies attack from the front, side, or back?

Lu Chuan didn't know any of this. What he could do was improve himself and manufacture more zombies.


"If you stay…"

Lu Chuan's mobile phone rang after he fell into deep thought. This ringtone made Lu Chuan's finally calm heart start to beat violently. He never thought that the ringtone he had specifically set for Ye Lingwei would ring.

Panicking, Lu Chuan picked up his mobile phone and looked down. It was indeed Ye Lingwei's number.

Lu Chuan's hands were trembling and he hesitated, unsure if he should answer the call.

She didn't seem to have made a mistake, and it kept ringing for a few seconds.

Without hesitating any longer, Lu Chuan answered the call.

There was a breathing sound from the other end but no words. Lu Chuan knew that it was definitely Ye Lingwei, the once famous star that could only be seen from a distance.


After a long while, Lu Chuan took the initiative to speak.

"Don't misunderstand, I accidentally pressed the wrong button," a soft nature-like voice said.

Hearing such a voice, Lu Chuan felt like everyone in this world was deaf. With a voice like this, so what if the quality wasn't as good?

"I…" Lu Chuan opened his mouth.

"I'm hanging up, don't call me."

Ye Lingwei spoke coldly and hung up.


On the 30th floor of the Sheraton Hotel in the same city as Lu Chuan…

Ye Lingwei was in a daze, holding her mobile phone. Even she didn't know why she wanted to call Lu Chuan. Ever since that incident that shouldn't have occurred, she had always been trying to forget this man from the bottom of her heart.

But tonight, she had unexplainably made that phone call.

Perhaps it was because she was too stressed from work?

If it wasn't the stress, she would never accept a schedule in this city. She didn't wish to be in this city.

Ye Lingwei reassured herself and stared out the window in a daze, at the night sky. During this period of time, she had indeed been living a very difficult life, not because of lack of money, but because of the difficulties at work.

There was a problem with her new album. Who would have thought that the title song planned for her would suddenly be given away by her company?

This kind of unreasonable bullying was a great blow to Ye Lingwei.

From another angle, the company didn't intend to spend any more resources on her. A title song could boost a newcomer and would be more profitable.

Without the company's resources, it was extremely difficult for a celebrity to become famous.

If it wasn't for the remaining year in her contract and some conditions to be enforced, the company might not even arrange a few pitiful TV programs for her.

If she went to another company, with her current fame, the contract offers would at most be second-tier, and there was no way to negotiate for the best resources.

"Sister Weiwei, the company is a bully."

Not far away, Zhao Xueyan hung up, looking dissatisfied.

She came to Handong City to attend a television program, and without an assistant, she had to rely on her agent to find hotel accommodation and for her itinerary. In the previous application, the company only approved the City Convenience Hotel. How was that not infuriating?

With Ye Lingwei's status, it was always five-star hotels in the past, but now, how did she end up being reduced to a hotel without any stars?

The call had gone to Director Chen, and the response she got was that the company's finances were tight and that they would need to reduce their expenses. What reason was that? She knew that yesterday, the company arranged a five-star hotel for one of their second-tier artists.

The room in Sheraton Hotel was paid for from Sister Weiwei's own pocket.

In the face of her aggrieved agent, Ye Lingwei didn't mind all this. She smiled and said, "Well, if the company won't make arrangements, we can pay for it ourselves so that we can live comfortably."

She wasn't popular now but she still had a lot of earnings saved from her earlier years, so such expenses wouldn't be a problem.

Seeing Sister Weiwei's peaceful attitude, Zhao Xueyan, who was recently promoted from being a trainee agent, had to admire her optimism.

Turning her gaze, Zhao Xueyan asked with a smile, "Sister Weiwei, who did you just call?"