
At the gold pawn shop…

Lu Chuan walked in with Yang Pingan and Zhong Tong. Comparatively, their physiques had more deterrance than Uncle Zombie's and Guo Zheng's. Their brawny figures were enough to intimidate those with smaller builds.

They were about 1.8 meters tall. Standing behind Lu Chuan, they were practically premium bodyguards.

Zhong Tong's cold presence made him seem like a murderer.

Li Kangsheng, who was enjoying his tea, trembled slightly. He swept his gaze over Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan and stood up unconsciously.

People in the pawn business cannot be classified as ordinary people. They require a certain level of judgement.

The sickly middle-aged man Lu Chuan came with before was already shocking, but these two brawny men had a more intimidating aura. If it wasn't for their pale complexions, they would definitely be impressive generals.

The height of 1.8 meters was already demoralizing enough.

If the middle-aged man from before was like an attendant, these two brawny men seemed more like bodyguards.

Why was Li Kangsheng so sure?

It was mainly because of the chilling presence they exuded, which he couldn't help but shiver at. Only those with experience or who had seen bloodshed would have that feature.

Needless to say, these two brawny men were not ordinary people.

They were only looking at Lu Chuan's head. If not bodyguards, what else could they be?

In this day and age, only the immensely wealthy could afford bodyguards, and none of them were ordinary.

Many bosses worth over 100 million yuan were only accompanied by a secretary and an assistant, but they hadn't reached the level of a bodyguard. However, the young Lu Chuan in front of him was accompanied by two bodyguards.

"Aha, it's the little brother again," Li Kangsheng said with a respectful tone, boosting Lu Chuan to a status higher than his own.

Lu Chuan didn't know that Li Kangsheng had thought so much. Those thoughts had never crossed his mind; he was purely thinking about his own safety, and with Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan, he could have peace of mind.

"Boss Li." Lu Chuan smiled.

Li Kangsheng seemed to ask purposefully, "These two brothers are?"

Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan didn't know how to socialize and stood behind Lu Chuan like two blocks of wood. Their indifferent expressions and hollow eyes terrified Li Kangsheng. They didn't even blink at Li Kangsheng's question.

Lu Chuan didn't say a word and showed a meaningful smile.

"Look at me, little brother, sit and have some tea." Li Kangsheng reacted quickly, attending to Lu Chuan.

From the looks of these two brawny men, Li Kangsheng was certain they were his personal bodyguards.

This made Li Kangsheng more vigilant and respectful of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan sat while Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan stood.

After pouring a cup of tea for Lu Chuan, Li Kangsheng's eyes fell on the luggage in Yang Pingan's hand, and his eyelids trembled.

Why was Lu Chuan here?

Lu Chuan admitted that he wasn't good at tea-tasting. He didn't know about good tea or the reasons it was good. With Lu Chuan's status and abilities, he had always been a supervisor. He was at the level where he would only drink plain water or fruit juice.

Like a cow drinking water, he finished all the tea in the cup, placed the cup down, and gave Yang Pingan a look.

Yang Pingan took a step forward with a cold expression. He placed the luggage down, opened it swiftly, and revealed the contents inside.


Li Kangsheng wore a look of astonishment.

Li Kangsheng has seen a lot of gold, and even tens of millions in cash piled together.

But a suitcase filled with gold jewelry wasn't common.

For some reason, Li Kangsheng looked at Lu Chuan differently. It was impossible for an ordinary person to have so much gold jewelry. At most, they had only a few pieces.

The previous lot was fine, but this was a bit too much.

There was only one reason for someone to have so much gold jewelry, and no other explanation.

Those that dared to do such things were definitely ruthless people.

Li Kangsheng felt a chill when he glanced at the smiling Lu Chuan, who had a calm expression on his face.

Lu Chuan said lightly, "Boss Li, are you okay with the previous price? I personally admired Boss Li's handling of the last transaction, so this time, I chose to come here again."

"Hehe…" Li Kangsheng laughed dryly.

Though his brain was spinning frantically, Li Kangsheng was an experienced man and calmed down very quickly.

With the previous price, how much can he earn with these contents?

In this world, animals die of hunger while humans die of greed. If he was afraid, he wouldn't be in the pawn business. If someone came with business, why should he turn it away? Judging by the quantity, he could definitely earn one to two million.

With that thought in mind, Li Kangsheng's eyes showed a touch of greed.

"The background…"

Li Kangsheng muttered for a moment, but his meaning carried.

Lu Chuan smiled. "You don't need to worry about the background. If it was stolen, wouldn't the police already be alerted? Besides, look at the era we are in today, it wouldn't be feasible to rob a gold shop."

Indeed, Handong City was peaceful, and nothing shocking ever happened.

Even in other cities, in this Internet age, it would only take one or two hours for this amount of gold to cause a sensation in the country. Lu Chuan wouldn't have been able to come here without being detected by the outside world.

After verifying the goods, Li Kangsheng wavered. "According to the price from before?"


In the apartment in Lin Hai District, Lu Chuan was playing with his phone.

The text message was the cause of his excitement: a 2.3 million yuan bank transfer message.

The gold jewelry sold this time was valued at more than five million.

But so what? Yes, there was a problem with the way he was selling it; he couldn't even get half of the price. Of course, there were benefits to this method. The transaction was completed on the spot, and once the 2.3 million yuan transaction was complete, both the money and goods were cleared.

After he got through this crisis, this method could no longer be used.

Once or twice was all right.

Any more and there would definitely be trouble.

This time, he had Zhong Tong and Yang Pingan. They were intimidating enough to make Li Kangsheng behave, but what about next time?

Loyalty was the result of not enough chips.

Besides, within a radius of one kilometer, there wasn't enough gold jewelry to provide Lu Chuan with a larger capital.

The area within a radius of one kilometer seemed more like the place where Lu Chuan's original capital was accumulated.


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Handong TV's Flying variety show."

"This time we invited Ye Lingwei as our guest. Let's welcome Ye Lingwei."

It was the wrong Ye.

The live broadcast of the Flying variety show finally began. Lu Chuan sat on the sofa and looked at the woman who appeared onstage. She was still as radiant as ever, amazing the entire crowd the moment she appeared.

For this, he just had to pay attention to entertainment news. It wasn't difficult to know her activities.

Handong TV Station was just a local TV station, and the variety shows they hosted weren't very influential. For variety shows of such level, it would be difficult to invite first-tier or even second-tier celebrities.

Lu Chuan sighed lightly. Ye Lingwei was reduced to participating in a variety show like this, which revealed her plight.

On television, Ye Lingwei showed no signs of the difficult situation she was in, showing her best side.

With her good character, she wouldn't be negligent because of the status of the program.

Ye Lingwei was confident and had an intellectual beauty. But who knew the kind of sadness hidden behind the facade?

The show was still ongoing, but Lu Chuan's heart wasn't in it.

Lu Chuan seemed to have thought of something. He disappeared into the apartment and reappeared after a few minutes.

Lu Chuan held a small box in his hand.

The small box contained a watch, which was selected from the many watches in the warehouse. Lu Chuan didn't know its price, but he purely believed it was a watch worthy of Ye Lingwei.

The rustic silver color, surface studded with exquisitely polished gems, and the silver dollar-like watch strap. With this color, Lu Chuan found it suitable for Ye Lingwei's character and temperament.

This watch was also brought back from the commercial building by Zombie 02.

Lu Chuan randomly took a small box and used it to store the watch. It wasn't pretty and made the watch seem cheaper than it was.

Lu Chuan picked up a pen, wrote his name on a note, and put it into the small box along with the watch.

Taking the little kid Zhou Yinghao with him, he left the apartment.