

Wang Guangji grabbed a beer, stood up, and shouted, making the scene more lively.

He was at a gathering for the engineering department.

Another month had passed. The profits from the suppliers and the money earned from substituting premium materials with shoddy ones had made Wang Guangji more than 100,000 yuan. Pleased, he made use of his official authority for private purposes, applying for a company grant for the department dinner.

Wang Guangji was smart; he applied for a night market stall, which could be easily approved.

With a cost of around three thousand yuan, the finance department wouldn't make it difficult for him, the boss's brother-in-law. Besides that, his brother-in-law wouldn't have an opinion.

Of course, Wang Guangji told the department that the money came from his own pocket so that he could buy their hearts.

If he profited, his people had to be rewarded so that his money-making journey could be smooth.

The group of supervisors from the engineering department responded to Wang Guangji's cheers.

They stood up one by one, tossing down their drinks after clinking glasses.

Wang Guangji was their manager and the boss' brother-in-law; of course they had to please him. As supervisors, they could earn some questionable income with Wang Guangji around, hence, Wang Guangji was the one to follow.

"Manager, look, isn't that Lu Chuan?"

A supervisor that glanced around happened to see Lu Chuan passing by with Uncle Zombie and the others.

Wang Guangji and Lu Chuan weren't on good terms, which was known throughout the company.

A few days ago, Wang Guangji had even used some means to get Lu Chuan fired.

Lu Chuan seemed like a weakling, but in the company, no one would really sympathize with him. After all, they still had to work there, so they couldn't offend the boss' brother-in-law.

Anyone could trample on a dog that had fallen into the water.

The supervisor wanted to kiss up to Wang Guangji. He notified Wang Guangji so that Wang Guangji could be enlivened. With Wang Guangji's character, Lu Chuan would definitely end up humiliated.

Sure enough, Wang Guangji's small eyes narrowed, and he looked in the direction that the supervisor was pointing.

The next moment, Wang Guangji smiled.

He stood up and held his beer. "Brothers, an old colleague is here. Let's treat this as a farewell meal for Lu Chuan."

With that, Wang Guangji took the lead and went out.

People from the engineering department followed behind. Brother Niu, who was on good terms with Lu Chuan, didn't move. He could already imagine what would happen next. The petty Wang Guangji would definitely humiliate Lu Chuan.


"Oh, isn't this Lu Chuan?"

Wang Guangji called out in a strange voice and ran to block Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan stopped and frowned.

"Get lost."

Lu Chuan spat out the words when he saw Wang Guangji, .

In the past, Lu Chuan wouldn't dare to be so aggressive.

However, the emergence of the biochemical plant had given him confidence, so why should he be kind to people he didn't like? Wang Guangji was a villain, after all, and people like him should be slapped to death.

If Lu Chuan cowered, Wang Guangji would become cockier and likely bully Lu Chuan some more.

Lu Chuan was very busy now and didn't have much time to spare for such a villain.


Lu Chuan's rude reply irritated Wang Guangji. A poor salaried worker dared to speak to him in such a manner? Seemed like he had toughened up after leaving the company.

Wang Guangji had already had a few drinks and never stopped looking down on Lu Chuan. Now that he was triggered by Lu Chuan's rudeness, he pointed at Lu Chuan and said, "Say that again if you dare."

"A good dog doesn't block the way, I told you to get lost." Lu Chuan sneered.

Wang Guangji was triggered. He wanted to beat Lu Chuan with his fists, but seemed to have thought of something and took a step back. "You guys, beat him up. I will give three thousand yuan to whoever does it, and if anything happens, I'll take responsibility."

After a few years, Wang Guangji had made a lot of money, at least two or three million yuan.

Wealthy people could get things done with money; there wasn't a need to handle them personally.

Some supervisors came forward to earn some money. Although they were former colleagues, that meant little in the face of a month's salary.

Several supervisors were eager to give it a try.


Lu Chuan smiled. He didn't expect Wang Guangji to have the guts.

Uncle Zombie and the others took a few steps forward and lined up in front of Lu Chuan. They were emotionless, and their hollow eyes glanced at Wang Guangji and the other supervisors. They didn't say a word but gave off an insurmountable pressure.

Their hollow eyes were terrifying.

Several supervisors who were eager to go up immediately hesitated. If Lu Chuan was alone, they would make this money, but the problem was that now, Lu Chuan had companions, and they knew at first glance that these people weren't easy to deal with. They didn't have enough courage.

Amongst Lu Chuan's companions were strong men, and even elderly and children.

With the old man's fragile appearance, who would dare to act rashly?

Seeing that none of his subordinates responded, Wang Guangji was enraged. But they were just his subordinates, not slaves; they had no obligation to beat others for him.

When it came to fighting, Lu Chuan wasn't afraid.

With Uncle Zombie and the others around, Wang Guangji and the seven or eight supervisors, or even a few times more men wouldn't be their match.

They felt no pain or fear. If they really started fighting, those supervisors would end up crying for help.

No one dared to go forward. Wang Guangji wasn't stupid; if he rushed up on his own, he would be outnumbered and beaten to a pulp.

"Lu Chuan, don't be cocky. Heh, what's a poor salaried man got to be proud of?" Wang Guangji stepped back. Although he was afraid of Zhou Yinghao and the others, he still had a sharp mouth.

The men behind Wang Guangji felt a little uncomfortable when they heard Wang Guangji's words. That was definitely discrimination.

Lu Chuan gave Wang Guangji a cold look and walked away.

Talking to such a person was a waste of breath.

It wasn't worth it to cause trouble for a villain like him. After all, the zombies weren't registered citizens, so they had to avoid the police. If not, Lu Chuan would have gotten Uncle Zombie and the others to teach Wang Guangji a lesson when he blocked his path.


An extremely seductive female nurse appeared in the night market. She wore a nurse's uniform, with black silk stockings and her chest threatening to burst out. Under the nurse's uniform was a cleavage that made a man's heart race. The half-exposed snow-white bosom left many men feeling suffocated.

The nurse's uniform was seductive, and paired with her beautiful figure, charming face, and soul-grabbing eyes, she could definitely steal away a man's soul.

The snow-white, fair beauty dazzled the eyes of all the men nearby.

Needless to say, she was definitely a stunning creature with a luxurious appearance and wild heart. The finest type in a man's eyes.

The moment the seductive female nurse appeared, the night market stall went silent.

Ta, ta, ta…

The tap of her stilettos and her tall and glamorous figure stoked many men's hearts into a fury. They felt a desire to run forward and savor her.

Wang Guangji squinted his lustful, gleaming eyes. He ached to pick her up and hold on fiercely.

"Manager, she… she… she seems to be coming toward us."

A supervisor stammered. She was the kind of top-notch beauty that could only be seen in movies and had an unrestrained form that was world's apart from them. But she was walking toward them… How could they not be nervous?

She was on the level of a tycoon's plaything, well beyond their imagination.

Wang Guangji became excited and was rubbing his hands frantically. She seemed to have smiled at him.

She was smiling at him.

Theirs was the only table around and, compared to his present company, Wang Guangji was certain he was the best and the most striking. If she wasn't smiling at him, who else could it be?

"Is Old Wang going to have an affair today?"

Wang Guangji was willing to shorten his life by ten years just at the thought of a wild night with this stunning creature.

The heels hit the ground, and the seductive female nurse soon arrived in front of Wang Guangji.

Wang Guangji's heart almost melted. She was really here for him, it was not an illusion, Old Wang's spring had arrived.

Ah, she raised her leg.

The legendary standing leg.

A nurse outfit with a skirt. Between her legs, he could see black lace and silk wrapped around two snow-white thighs. It was enough to give a man a nosebleed. Farther up, he could see the fringe of purple silk panties.

Wang Guangji felt his chest tighte. His nose was a little itchy, and he felt like his nose was about to bleed.


There was a loud noise and that leg swung down like a battle axe.


Less than a second later, there was a horrible pig-like howl.

The fat Wang Guangji clutched his head, fell to the ground, and howled, his head covered with blood.

The stiletto heel didn't stop, but retracted and kicked Wang Guangji's belly, causing him to curl up like a prawn. It wasn't just his belly; his thighs and other areas were also stepped on by the stilettos.

Wang Guangji howled and vomited. He almost fainted, the severe pain making him see black spots.

The seductive female nurse didn't let up. Her eyes were still as alluring as before, but they were hollow. She stepped over Wang Guangji, who now resembled a dead dog, and stood in front of the dumbfounded supervisors. She lifted her stiletto-heeled foot and kicked wildly.

The painful cries merged into one.

Less than a minute later, while the group was holding their breaths, the seductive female nurse sashayed away, swaying her extremely sexy buttocks as she disappeared into the street.

She didn't say a word from the beginning and left after just three minutes.

However, Wang Guangji and the dozen strong men who were at the night market stall were lying on the ground, all of them crying out painfully.

The combat power the nurse displayed made the men who had just been fantasizing shrink their necks subconsciously. There were a dozen men, yet they were taken down so quickly. How could that be?

Onlookers who saw the unlucky bunch couldn't help shiver and sympathize.

What made it more painful was that they were beaten in vain.

Their filthy minds were to blame.

Was it fun to stare at someone's bosom? If people like them weren't beaten, who should be? When the police arrived, and they were accused of filthy behaviour, would they look like the reasonable ones?