Ambition of the Zombie Dog

Thirty zombies lined up in the warehouse.

These zombies were "fully armed." All of them had two iron plates on their front and back, wore iron basins, and held rebars or knives from the construction site. There was also a simple shield on their left arm.

Some of the shields were made of wood while some were made of iron.

Police Zombie 04 was Lu Chuan's trump card.

He wore a tattered police uniform and was equipped with a shield like the other zombies. The difference was that while the other zombies either held knives or guns, Police Zombie 04 carried an electric chainsaw.

The flaming red electric chainsaw was found in the tool library and was very well-preserved.

Lu Chuan had tested it, and it could work for three hours on full battery.

There was no doubt that power was sufficient. The level of technology in the apocalypse was at least 30 years ahead of modern times. There were breakthroughs in battery technology and it was completely feasible to use battery power to drive this chainsaw.

Using the electricity in the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan easily charged up the chainsaw and equipped it on Police Zombie 04.

Police Zombie 04 was already tall at 1.8 meters, and with the flaming red chainsaw, even Lu Chuan was intimidated. With this strong weapon, Police Zombie 04's combat power was definitely an explosive existence amongst the ordinary zombies.

Lu Chuan stood in front of the zombies and nodded in satisfaction.

After selling the gold, Lu Chuan invested half to manufacture 15 more zombies.

Excluding the six zombies he brought to the modern times, Lu Chuan had 37 zombies in the apocalypse.

Lu Chuan armed 30 of them, and the remaining seven continued to carry out the "ant moving" operation.

"It isn't safe to rely solely on ordinary zombies."

Lu Chuan gathered the 30 zombies in order to unlock the second icon in the first-level biochemical plant: zombie dogs.

As a biochemical product one level above ordinary zombies, its powers were naturally much more impressive. Zombie dogs in movies were known for their brutality.

Unlocking the zombie dogs would increase the chances of surviving the crisis.

Zombie Dog: Collect 5 zombie dog fragments to unlock the production of zombie dogs.

There weren't any other details aside from the simple unlocking requirement. With the experience of manufacturing zombies, Lu Chuan knew that after the product was unlocked, there would be more details.

Lu Chuan took a long look at the zombie dog icon in the product tree and waved. "Go."


One street away from the construction site, a dark shadow flashed past and jumped swiftly onto the roof of a car.

That black shadow was a zombie dog, its agility far exceeding that of ordinary zombies.

Zombie dogs had the appearance of a dog whose skin had been stripped.

Perhaps the virus had caused its appearance to change. The change occured at various degrees; some were much smaller while others were big and powerful.

The one here was bigger than a wolf dog.

It lost its dog skin, revealing auburn muscles, intertwined and powerful, with the ability to burst with astonishing power.

The eyes of the zombie dog weren't hollow like ordinary zombies. Instead, they were sharp and brutal. Its mouth was full of sharp white teeth, meaning it was especially frightening when it opened its mouth.

With its greater speed and increased agility, an attack from zombie dogs would definitely be a headache for survivors.

At this moment…

On the streets, an extremely conspicuous zombie appeared. He wasn't like the other zombies because of the iron plates that hung over his chest and back, and the 1.2m 50mm wide rebar in his hand.

This zombie staggered, seemingly out of place, but none of the zombies cared about him.

Zombies had no thoughts, they could only identify sound, smell, and taste.

Apart from these, as long as he was a zombie, he would be considered the same kind in their eyes, even if he was acting like a flower. Ordinary zombies would never behave aggressively towards their own kind.

Although this zombie was "fully armed," he managed to safely pass through thousands of zombies from the construction site to the street.

First, one of them passed and next, another.

Soon, a group of "fully armed" zombies appeared.

Zombie dogs also couldn't think, and were probably even more brainless than ordinary zombies. It stood on top of a car, its ferocious eyes sweeping around, but it turned a blind eye to the group of zombies that had arrived.

In the biochemical plant, Lu Chuan began to issue instructions.

A brawny zombie sped up and emerged from the group of zombies.

Zombies' strengths were similar; there wasn't much difference between them. But Lu Chuan felt that the brawny zombie had a more explosive power, which was more reassuring.

The brawny zombie held a machete instead of rebar.

Lu Chuan had sharpened the machete before equipping it to the brawny zombie so that his blows could be fatal.

The streets were filled with zombies wandering around. The brawny zombie carrying the machete was a little unique, but that was only to the humans. In the zombie's eyes, he wasn't anything special.

Taking one step at a time, the brawny zombie gradually approached the zombie dog.

During this process, Lu Chuan who was seated in the boss's office couldn't help feeling anxious.

A thousand-meter radius was within the scope of the biochemical plant, so Lu Chuan didn't have to take action, and the fragments hunted would belong to him. He just needed to direct the zombies' actions remotely.

The zombie dog didn't notice anything amiss, it stood on the car with its scarlet tongue stuck out, jet-black liquid dripping.

Ten meters.

Five meters.

Two meters.

When the brawny zombie with the machete came within a meter's distance, the zombie dog suddenly raised both ears and opened a mouth filled with cracked teeth, expressing hostility. There was a fierce gleam in its eyes as it glared at the brawny zombie.

Sure enough, as Lu Chuan had guessed, zombie dogs, which are animal zombies that were more sensitive than ordinary zombies, could not be so slow-witted.

At a distance of one meter, the brawny zombie suddenly picked up a machete and slashed downward fiercely.

The zombie dog also had a one-track mind. It opened its mouth wide but didn't dodge, leaping forward to bite the brawny zombie.

"It is seeking death."

In the boss's office, the holographic projection showed everything clearly, as though Lu Chuan was personally at the scene.

If the zombie dog had dodged, there might have been trouble, but its brutality had cost its "life." Perhaps weapons or threats didn't exist in a zombie's mind, only direct attacks.

After Lu Chuan had polished the machete, it was so sharp that it had a cold sheen.

The brawny zombie exerted his full strength and the force of his attack sliced through the zombie dog's brain; even its solid skull was split open. The machete went through its neck all the way to its stomach.

Jet-black liquid splashed out.

The zombie dog was cut and fell on the ground. It convulsed a few times, then went completely still.

The brawny zombie stood up straight with the machete, blank.

He didn't seem affected by the shocking blow, like a robot that executed its programming. It couldn't feel and behaved according to instructions.

Lu Chuan stood up, his fists relaxed.

In his mind, progress at unlocking the zombie dog was stated to be at 1/5, which meant that the first fragment had been obtained.

A simple and neat split didn't attract any attention.

The zombies nearby didn't even notice and were still wandering around.

After calming himself slightly, Lu Chuan issued another command. "Continue."


The number of zombie dogs wasn't small but there weren't a lot of them either.

Their sources were mostly pet dogs in the city, only a few were stray dogs. In the pre-apocalyptic city, stray dogs were generally caught after they were discovered and gathered together for handling.

If the numbers were calculated seriously, there wouldn't be less than 100,000 dogs in the city.

Lu Chuan was in a large-scale city, which meant that the number would be greater.

Therefore, hunting zombie dogs wasn't difficult.


It would be difficult to meet enough zombie dogs within a kilometer's radius.

After hunting down this zombie dog, the group of unique zombies circled the work site within a range of one kilometer, but did not find any other zombie dogs.

Lu Chuan wouldn't be able to monitor anything further and with a zombie's intelligence, he didn't expect them to be able to accomplish anything.

"It seems like we have to think of a method to attract zombies, while simultaneously drawing out the zombie dogs."

In the boss's office, Lu Chuan was brainstorming a method.